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Most dogs will take to the new diet rather quickly. In my opinion it is wise to check with an alternative veterinarian and have a CBC or complete blood count done before switching. This will help find any problems that are already there and also give something to compare to at a later date if need be. Also adding a digestive enzyme before switching will help the transition.

It is usually best to fast the dog for a full day before switching over. This helps the body rest for a day before taking anything on. Then I would start into the diet slowly. If you are feeding GC foods only then split the day’s food into 2-3 feedings. If you are feeding GC along with RMB’s Do 3 days or RMB’s and one day of GC foods. Fast one day a week if your dog is healthy and not pregnant. Consult a vet before fasting a puppy.

If you plan on adding supplements to the diet add them in slowly so you can see what – if any effect they have on your pet. Same with everything you add to the diet. If you feed a veggie mix, start simple with maybe 2-3 veggies and go from there.

Remember that variety is important. Rotating and finding different meats and veggies to feed is a great way for your pet to get several different nutrients.

Golden Choice offers a wonderful variety of mixes. There is Beef, Chicken, Turkey, Fish, Emu, and Rabbit to choose from.

Some good varieties of RBM’s include but are not limited to: chicken necks and backs, turkey necks and backs (backs are a favorite and necks for the cats), chicken wings (another favorite of the cats), chicken leg quarters (although rather harder then most I only feed on occasions), ribs, ox tail, lamb shank to name a few.

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