4: Kairos News & Views |
"Moving from sinful chaos to godly shalom through Christ" |
Kairos in the Media: News and Commentary The Caribbean's media reflect the ongoing fact that our shores are being hard-hit by heavy, trip-hammer waves of crisis -- as Jesus suggested would happen as the age draws to a close; and, as a strategic nexus forms between rising dangers and opportunities to preach the gospel in all the world and make disciples of all nations. [Cf. Matt. 24:1 - 14.] As a result, kairos is now not just a theological concept; it is in our daily news and commentary. We therefore need to understand how to interpret, discuss and act into our times in light of the biblical kairos concept, especially as it comes out in news, arts/entertainment, policy and education contexts. (In so doing, we must be able to assess the degree of soundness of the media we encounter.) Understanding Kairos Acts 17:24 - 31 lays out the biblical framework for why God permits crisis in the lives of the nations:
However, in a world where many are blind to God's self-revelation in Christ and seek to undermine his proof that he is our Lord, Saviour and Judge -- through raising Jesus from the dead -- secularised and cynical news and commentary will reflect more of blind groping than of the hope that is in Jesus. As a result, we would do well to heed Paul's observations on the need for intellectual honesty:
So, as the age draws on to the Day of the Lord, crisis, confusion and deception will contend with the good news of the gospel in a contest for the attention, hearts and minds of men. Thus, the Caribbean's media, political and educational spheres are increasingly becoming arenas of spiritual conflict over the truth, the right and the wise. News, Views and the Good News in a Democratic age As we look at the Caribbean's many interacting challenges and perspectives, it is clear from the above that we have to build a sound godly consensus if we are to consistently make and carry out the just and wise decisions that will help us build communities worth living in. However, whether we are concerned over our long-standing economic and social woes, or over political or religious issues, or world affairs, much of our news and public debate brims over with shrill anger and ill-informed shallowness. As a result, it is power, bias, half-truth, outright lies and hidden agendas (rather than wisdom, truth and fairness) that tend to drive our discussion, opinions and policy or even personal decisions. Could this be why it too often seems that we "never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity"? But also, in today's cynical post-modern age, the relativist's retort is all-too-ready: whose truth, fairness, and wisdom? The best answer is nearly twenty-four hundred years old. For, the early Greek Philosophers had seen how Athens' democracy had collapsed: brilliant and clever (but ever so unsound and corrupt) leaders -- i.e. demagogues such as Alcibiades -- manipulated the citizens to make rash decisions that in the end cost them dear. So, in his The Rhetoric, Aristotle pointed out how popular arguments usually appeal first of all to our emotions, then to our trust in "credible" authorities, and only in the last resort, to actual logical proof. Sadly, while our emotions may rest on accurate perceptions, they often blind us to the truth. Worse, no authority is better than his or her facts and reasoning. In short, it is only when "facts" give a balanced view of the truth and are tied to correct reasoning that our conclusions are to be trusted. (Cf. the Apologetics Primer.) In short, Democracy -- the ever-unfinished experiment in self-government by a free people -- comes with great responsibility under God. And, in light of Acts 17:24 - 31 and 2 Cor. 4:2 - 4, our duty to God includes submission to his Christ. To that, we may add a note of hope: "[Christ] redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the nations [ethne] through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Holy Spirit." [Gal 3:14.] For, as Jesus pointed out in Jn 7:37 - 39, it is through the Spirit within that living waters of blessing may flow out from us to our region's dry and thirsty lands. Indeed, it is by the Spirit of Truth that we have access to the mind of Christ [1 Cor 2:6 - 16], "in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge."[Col. 2:3] Thus, it is through Christ's poured out Spirit -- who opens to us the treasures of God's word of wisdom that gives to us "everything we need for life and godliness" [2 Pet 1:3 - 4, cf. 2 Tim 3:14 - 17] -- that we will be able to find the "wisdom from above" [James 3:17] to address the region's many complex, interacting crises. Therefore, the Gospel carries within it the hope for the blessing and godly transformation of the Caribbean's nations, through the power of the Spirit of Love, Truth, and Purity. Then, through this transforming, reforming and renewing blessing, we can:
Clearly, receiving God's Good News would lead to a dramatically different focus for news and views, public policy and community life in our region! Renewing News and Commentary in the Caribbean This is obviously a daunting task, but I believe it is possible -- providing, we become a fountain of hope for a region that has long supped at the bitter wells of despair. That is, let us build on the principle that good (but realistic) news beats the bad in the long run. How can it be done? I believe some practical steps include:
In short, it can be done, if only we are willing. Let's roll! |
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