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B.S., C.N.C.

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In conjunction with “in general” cancer suggestions

It may be a good idea, preventatively, for men to have a urine test called the 2/16 ratio done. This test has been found to detect the risk of prostate cancer in men. Elevated 2-hydroxyestrone urine levels suggest a reduced prostate cancer risk. Elevated 16 alpha-hydroxyestrone levels suggest an increased risk of prostate cancer. The 2/16 ratio is associated with a reduced risk. It has been found that a ratio of 1 or above is beneficial. If below 1, then 3-4 half cup servings of lightly steamed brassica veges a week could help raise the number. It is also good to have an excess aromatization test run on the same urine. Men’s bodies produce estrogen also, in fact, it actually turns testosterone into estrogen by aromatization. If everything is working correctly, only a fraction of the testosterone is converted, however, as men age, excess aromatization becomes a problem. Too much estrogen and not enough testosterone raise risk of prostate enlargement and cancer. If an aromatization test shows excess estrogen and very low testosterone, DO NOT simply attempt to boost your testosterone levels. This could be similar to throwing fuel on the fire. If there is excess aromatization, it will just convert all that testosterone to estrogen – raising the risks even higher. It is very important to counter the excess estrogen, and to slow down the aromatization. Research has shown this to be possible with the use of progesterone cream and the nutritional supplement DIM. The drug Proscar focuses on the transference of testosterone to DHT. Findings show an increased incidence of a rare form of prostate cancer in men taking Proscar. Urology studies have shown that men given DHT by itself actually had a decrease in prostate gland size and that testosterone may relieve symptoms of prostate enlargement (BPH), shrink the prostate, and even lower PSA. Testosterone treatment, however, has been found to - and usually does - cause an acceleration in the growth rate of pre-existing but, undetected prostate cancer. This is why simply attempting to increase testosterone levels alone is not recommended or beneficial.

Saw palmetto is used to treat benign prostatic hypertrophy. It has been found that it is best to use a product that contains the lipid extract with a high fatty acid content - approximately 85-95% phytosterols. These phytosterols are known to inhibit the metabolism of testosterone to its inactive form, dihydrotestosterone, which doesn’t compete with estrogen. DHT creates a high risk of prostatic adenocarcinoma and BPH. It may also be converted to estrogen( along with testosterone) in fat cells and compete with testosterone for binding sites.

Studies show the herb vitex contains flavonoids that may reduce testosterone production and resulting conversion to estrogen.

A zinc deficiency may cause the metabolism of “bad” estrogen in men. It is not recommended to take more than 50mg/day, or the immune system may be compromised.

Either DIM or beta-sitosterol supplementation may result in the healthy metabolism of “good” estrogen. This does not signal the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. “Good” estrogen is also known to stop the process of cell division in abnormal cells and protect the prostate from unwanted estrogen stimulation. It may be possible to get this by eating lightly steamed cruciferous vegetables, however, supplementing with DIM may be more effective.

Calcium D-glucurate is known to have anti-estrogenic properties; an estrogen blocker. It may also be a very effective detoxifier and inhibit the action of beta-glucuronidase which has been found to break the bond between estrogen and glucuronic acid in the liver, thus allowing the hormone to be reabsorbed back into the body rather than be excreted. The recommended dose has been found to be 200-400mg preventatively, or 400-1200 mg. with existing hormone related cancer.

Chrysin is a natural aromatase-inhibitor, known to block the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. Studies reveal that it is the estrogen that may be the cause of the hormonal prostate cancer - specifically, estradiol – which is the strongest estrogen we get from exposure to environmental estrogens, or endocrine disruptors from pesticides, herbicides, plastics, all meat, dairy, eggs – unless organic, and other environmental toxins. They are in the air you breathe and the water you drink. Testosterone is also converted to estrogen in the fat cells. Consequently, obesity is a risk for prostate cancer or any hormonal cancer. Not only is more estrogen produced, the estrogen that’s produced stimulates more fat cells to be produced. It’s a vicious circle, but also a proven effect for the concept of calorie restriction and attention to insulin metabolism. In addition, excess insulin has also been found to stimulate the production of more fat cells. Insulin is a storage molecule, not a metabolism molecule. Research recommends a restriction of all dietary means of stimulating an insulin reaction. The recommended dosage of chrysin is 500mg. three times a day. Once aromatization levels decrease, testosterone levels may come up and estrogen levels become lowered, you should have another test run. It may be necessary to stay on a maintenance dose of this, depending on age.

Panax ginseng has been found to increase testosterone levels. Studies indicate that it may not be good to use this with prostate cancer. However, it is beneficial for healthy males. Ginseng is known to increase blood pressure. It may be best not to use this unless also using some type of aromatase blocker.

Modified citrus pectin is known to be extremely beneficial with prostate cancer. It has been shown to decrease the development of metastases and inhibit the adhesion of prostate cancer cells.

The increased intake of fat has been associated with an increased incidence of prostate cancer. This association, however, been proven to be wrong. Switching from a high fat diet (from fat found naturally in food such as organic, grass-fed meat and poultry, organic eggs, and wild Alaskan red salmon – which is lowest in mercury, lead and pollutants ) to a low fat diet has been shown to decrease testosterone levels 10%, according to a Swedish study. This decrease in testosterone has been implicated with increased estrogen levels leading to BPH and prostate cancer. The decrease also leads to depression, osteoporosis, loss of lean muscle, accumulation of fat, weakness, fatigue, lack of concentration and feminizing. These effects go back to the problem of estrogen dominance and eventual hypothyroid in both men and women. This may be another good reason for both men and women to use progesterone cream.

Omega–3 from fish oilis known to be a highly beneficial fat known to have an inhibitory effect on cancer. It may inhibit metastasis by inhibiting platelet aggregation. Clinical evidence shown that the DHA in omega-3 competes for cell uptake with arachidonic acid and decreases platelet activating factor which inhibits the tumors' ability to induce angiogenesis. The dosage suggestion is to take 1000mg.three times a day. The therapeutic dosage is 1T. a day. Pure extra virgin organic coconut oil is also known to be very beneficial, and the only oil (in addition to ghee) that should be used for sautéing or frying.

Pygeum bark has been found to be an anti-inflammatory for the prostate gland. In double blind studies, it has been shown to help men with BPH by diminishing symptoms such as nighttime urination, urinary frequency, and residual urine volume. It has been shown to lower the concentrations of leutenizing hormone and testosterone circulating through the blood stream. Unlike other treatments for enlarged prostate, pygeum does not stimulate estrogen production in men – which reduces the chances of side effects such as breast pain and impotence.

Nettle root has shown specificity in the inhibition of prostate cancer. It may also bind with Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), countering it’s effect on free testosterone, thereby increasing the levels of free testosterone. Free testosterone is not the cause of prostate cancer, it is the conversion of testosterone to DHT – the inactive metabolite of testosterone which does not counter estrogen. It is not that DHT is a “bad” form of testosterone, it simply doesn’t counter the effects of estrogen dominance.

High doses of melatonin, when given at night with a variety of chemo drugs, has exhibited a reduction in side effects or improvement.

Shark cartilage has been found highly effective against prostate tumors, achieving tumor reduction rates of 15-67%. It is known to lower PSA counts in 12-16 weeks. The implantation of radiation seeds into the prostate gland is known to actually hasten the development of that cancer. Prostate cancer cells have been found to double in as little as 1-2 months after radiation as opposed to an average of 4 years with no radiation. Prostate surgery can release cancer cells into the blood. A drop in PSA from radiation is sustained in only 20% of the patients; 90% will have cancer cells that may now multiply 40 times faster than non-radiated cells. Shark cartilage is known to attack tumors via anti-angiogenesis. It contains no blood vessels and has proteins which prevent new vessels from forming. Shark cartilage may work best with solid tumors. It does not interfere with normal angiogenesis for healing, therefore does not need to be stopped after surgery. Studies actually show it to be beneficial after surgery to aid in healing.

Obesity creates a vicious cycle of conversion of testosterone into estrogen by an enzyme (aromatase) within the fat cells. This conversion to estrogen leads to the production of more fat cells. (increased weight) and –hence- the conversion of more estrogen. Age also increases the amount of aromatase. Chrysin blocks the aromatase. Progesterone blocks the estrogen.

Dietary fiber intake may influence the circulating levels of testosterone and estradiol, thereby affecting prostate cancer biology which may decrease the progression of prostate cancer. Testosterone, in and of itself, does not cause prostate cancer. The male body is exposed to and makes estrogen (estradiol) and progesterone just as women do. They do this in much lower amounts. The testosterone is antagonistic to estradiol (which is the primary cause of both breast and prostate cancer) by destroying the prostate cancer cells that the estradiol stimulates. Progesterone is known to prevent the male body from converting testosterone to di-hydro- testosterone, which DOES NOT destroy the cancer cells that estradiol stimulates. Progesterone does this by inhibiting an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. However, as the male body ages, progesterone levels decrease. When this happens, the male’s 5-alpha reductase then converts testosterone to di-hydro-testosterone which is useless. Studies have also shown that progesterone stimulates the p53 gene which controls cell growth and inhibits cancer. Continuing research is showing that men using natural transdermal progesterone cream use doses about half of what a woman would use. This would be about the size of a small pea. It is suggested that the cream be used in small doses twice a day. Men do not have cyclic hormonal patterns as women do, so, they are able to use it without taking time off as women do. As with women, progesterone has been found to increase bone density. That would make progesterone very beneficial in osteoporosis. It is also found that, in balancing the estrogen in the body, progesterone helps the thyroid hormone to be more effective. Estrogen has been found to mask the effects of the thyroid hormone.

Because prostate cancer is a slow-growing cancer, studies show that nutritional interventions may spare patients from undergoing toxic and various treatments and improve quality of life. A high carbohydrate diet has been found to lead to a high production of estrogen due to the insulin reaction.

Vitamin D3 (active form) has been found to inhibit the growth and invasiveness of prostate cancer cells.

Soy is known to be beneficial in the treatment and prevention of prostate cancer- in small amounts. The genestein and diadzen have been shown to inhibit the growth of androgen dependent and androgen independent prostatic cancers. It may also inhibit angiogenesis, thus preventing growth and metastasis; may inhibit the activity of cellular receptors for EGF-1, insulin, IGF-1, and PGF-1. It is best to use soy in it’s complete form – as miso, tofu or fermented soy powder (drink). Studies have shown that other components of soybeans which are not isoflavones may be responsible for the anti-cancer effects. Isoflavones greatly influence the effects of the thyroid hormones in an adverse way. Scientific evidence is now allowing soy agglutinin (SBA)to be tested clinically as an adjuvant therapy for prostate cancer.

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