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Confidential Preview for 07.06.03 Coming Soon!
BYTE THIS Review 06.06.03
An impressive episode of byte this this week, with guests Kurt Angle and Lita both gettin into the mix of things.  The show started with a replay of the tribute video to the legendary Classy Freddie Blassie.  First guest on the phone was the weekly 2 cents' of Daren Drozadov aka Droz.  Didn't have much time to say a whole lot, but layed down some hints on the possible return of Mick Foley for HIAC at Bad Blood.  Droz believed no matter how things turned out, The Game Triple H will come out the better man retaining his World Heavyweight Gold!  Lita followed shortly after, she felt very pleased to say her neck is doing well.  It was relieving for her to be able to say this after months of 'Its ok I guess'.  She couldnt' give too much info out on wwe newcomer Gail Kim, but is happy to see another high-flying diva in the company.  Kurt Angle joined the show next with a few comments about how surprising it was to see a 90% pro-Angle crowd in Anaheim.  He had expected a mixed reaction, and he and Vince had discussed before hand that they would just go with the flow of the fans.  Angle is excited about getting back in the ring, and hopes to able to face off with Lesnar again at Vengeance, Smackdowns! first exclusive payperview.  Tazz was unable to join the show due to traffic jams!!  Reviewed By BIGMAC

Nathan Jones  Still off Track

The recent news of Nathan jones Chipped Elbow has pushed back any slim hope of seeing Him On smackdown.The injury acuired may 13th.Nathan was working out in the ring before the event started.This Same night Chavo also Suffered Injury.IN Jone's Injury a Large Piece of Bone Chipped off his elbow and Found a way to Lodge in between his Joint.This Injury limited his access to bent his arm and casued a world of pain for the 7 foot aussie..Jones was Flew to Birmingham Al,Where many of the injuried wrestler are treated. On May 15th Dr.James Operatation on Jones was a Success..Jone was Expect to Return in a Few weeks...As far As I still know Nathan Jones is not Due back in action til the taker returns...There was allso new That Jones was Threatin to quit on 24th of may  but was talk out of it by his agent...But When ever this big man return you can be sure he will wrestler with the best of them.  By JJ Rocker

Welcome Back Kurt!

Kurt Angle made his triumphant return to Smackdown! this past Thursday.  The much anticipated return went as expected with Angle turning babyface, we here at BP believe Kurt will take WWE to new heights of success as their major money puller.  Angle, who got a great ovation in Anaheim, had a small confrontation with the man who gets a WWE title shot at Brock Lesnar next week, the Big Show.  After embarrasing Big Slow with a joke about his breath, the fans were surprised to see wwe champion Brock Lesnar make his way down to the ring.  One thing led to another and now we know that since Wrestlemania XIX where Kurt and Brock faced off, Kurt has earned a new level of respect for Lesnar.  If Brock manages to defend his wwe championship against Big Show next week, he has promised Angle a title shot which we believe will take place at Vengeance.  The two are hoping to put on the greatest match in wwe history, no doubt they will succeed at full health.  Covered By BIGMAC

Hall Of Famer Passes at Age Of 85

Yesterday, Classy Freddie Blassie, had passed away as of 7:30pm CT Monday evening. Blassie was certainly a star in the eyes of many wrestling fans a like. Whether you loved him or you hated him, Classy was always around to put some spice into your life.  This is very shocking to us as just three weeks ago he was on RAW plugging his new book and almost getting his ass kicked by 3MW, that’s when the Dudley's made the save.  We at Big Pop would like to give our condolences for this terrible loss to the WWE World.  By RAMBO

Foley Returning at Bad Blood?

During RAW last night when Stone Cold and Bishoff was in the ref locker room the fact that the refs did not want to ref such a match, as how dangerous this could have been.  Stone cold stated that he will get one of the "Craziest SOB" ever in the WWE, which we think is defiantly Mick Foley.  The thing is though we aren't sure if he is going to return full time.  Covered By RAMBO

Sting No Rush For WWE?

Well during Stings last WWA trip to New Zealand he went on to reminisce with pals Rick Steiner and Shane Douglas, he told reporters that he was in no rush to make a jump to the WWE.  Things are pointing to the fact that he isn't too happy with the way that Goldberg is being used in the WWE.  So that’s why we haven't seen any of  Sting Promos like we have seen Ultimo Dragon and other former WCW stars have gotten the promos for the WWE stars.  By RAMBO

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