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Policy's and Rules

Know your rights | Important telephone numbers | Activities and Intramurals | Activity Buses | Administering Medication to Pupils |
Arrival and Dismissal | Assignment Notebooks | Attendance | Bus Conduct and Safety | Bus Passes |
Cheating | Counseling and Guidance | Drug and Alcolhol | Emergency Procedure | Emergency School Closing |
Fighting | Hall Passes | Health/Nurse | Help Sessions | Homework |
Honor Rolls | Interdiscip;inary Teaming | Library | Locks aand Lockers | Lost and Found |
Lunch Expectations | Parkway Schol District Discipline Policy | Standards of Conduct | Parties and Celebrations | Physical Education Procedures |
Promotion Requirements | Sale or Soliciting of Articles in School | School Dress | School Store | Special Events |
Staying After School | Stealing | Student Hall Safety | Tardies | Telephone |
Transfer of Student Records | Trips and Vacations | Valuables | Vandalism | Visitors |
Withdrawal from School | Services and Rights for Students with Disabilities |