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The News Section

August 2, 2003
  • Alright im finally fix up the site some more. things have happened but lets not get into that
  • ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY!!ok its really important that you look at the sky in the month of august.
    Next to the moon you will be able to see mars. Read the front page for a full detail.
    June 30, 2003
  • The newest addition to my site is just a picture. But i made it not that good but im getting better at drawing aliens and stuff.
  • You asked for it now i finally got an area 51 section. Check it out it gives basic info and pictures. Oh if you know someone who doesn't know what area 51 is please tell them ;)
  • Since the creatures section got all messed up I almost redid it all. In it is a creature called mothman. If you havn't heard of it check it out!

  • Welcome to the story page. If you have a story to tell me please email me my email is on the bottom within the month i will have it on the site.
    The Mars Special

    Some of these stories i post i dont think are 100% true but just for your own amusement.

    I was scrolling threw the internet and as i came across a cerain website it said an "extraterrestrial craft" had broken threw the ceiling with a beam and left this burn across the bed. As i looked you can tell something had laid in that bed when the beam was shining. Then it said that the polyester on the bed couldnt have melted if the cotton didnt scorch so they figured what was there had been wet or damp?? More tests are being tookin on the bed something to scratch your head at!

    --About 3 years ago I was at a friends house watching a movie, there was a few other people over as well, about 6 in total. At about 2:30am I started to walk home, about 10 minutes around the corner and down the hill. Where I was living was a very dark area - not many street lights, so I could see the night sky very well. I got to the top of the hill near my place and looked up at the sky again when I noticed something in between the few scattered clouds that seemed to move in closer to me. It was up in the North-East of the sky (I live in Victoria, Australia), I was fixated on the object when all of a sudden, a beam of bright light-blue light shot out from the object straight at me. I felt tingles all over and almost blacked out. I cowered to the ground, when I looked up again it was gone. I started to walk really fast down the hill towards my place but I couldn't walk properly because my lower back had become paralyzed, this freaked me out a little.

    Mystery Of The French Fireballs
    A strange barrage of fireballs has plagued the French Alps in recent months, say officials. The fireballs are about the size of an orange and have so far caused no injuries or destruction of property. Eric Garonne, a forty-year-old house painter, was working in his garden one morning when, he says, "I saw two fireballs falling from the sky at a lively pace. One splashed into a river some distance away, but the other landed near my feet. It gave off great heat and then turned into ash. My face was reddened, but I was otherwise unharmed." The Center for the Study of Rare Aerospace Phenomena is now examining the debris.

    More than a Whisper
    If you're alone and suddenly hear a familiar voice, you may be experiencing "clairaudience," defined as sounds or voices heard in the inner ear as though they were real. No matter how strange the utterance may seem, it's important to pay attention because it can alert you to immediate danger. For example, it's not uncommon to hear a voice calling "Watch out!" or "Be careful!" a moment before a near fall from a ladder or a car accident. In a classic study, more than 200 people reported that they had heard such a warning from a family member - who wasn't there at the time!
    Note--- The story above is more just for your attention than story Ohwell...

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