Poem composed while wearing brown trenchcoat and talking with Abby and Ann:
(Not meant to make fun of anyone in particular. I am a very bad poet and well aware of the fact.)

Oh, Marius, if you'd grant me love
My heart would soar on wings like a dove
And look down at the world from far above.

I watch you daily, from afar.
You glow like a distant star
Or the headlights of a car.

I dream of you each lonely night
How you look in the moon's light.
Stay here, my love, within my sight.

But since you spurn me every day
I have nothing to do, just work, no play.
Could it be that you are gay?

(Disclaimer: Gay males rock my world. Don't take offense on their/your behalf 'til you've read, say, Caron, or Orestes Drunk and Pylades Fasting.)

Get me outta here! Hey, Laura, that was a pathetic little bit of doggerel.