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Paris, London
Radio 4
Series One 1993
Series Two 1994
Series Three 1995 (each series five programmes)

This sketch show had no particular theme, and took its name from the Paris Studio where, like most other BBC Light Entertainment shows, it was recorded (the name was not changed for the third series although the Paris Studio had by that point been closed down, replaced by the new BBC Radio Theatre).  The writer-performers, Simon Godley, Robert Harley, Carla Mendonça and Gary Parker, and their producer, Caroline Leddy, are part of a close-knit group who in the 1980s were better known for their work in children’s television.  Paris, London consisted mainly of fast-moving, glossy ‘idea’ sketches; character comedy was a relatively minor element of the show, although there were some recurring features, including Vince Ratfern’s improbable tales of historical derring-do in the field of kitchen sales.

© JB Sumner 1998