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Frequently Asked Questions Q: Where are the Gardens located? A: At this point, We're preparing to scout out lands on the eastern side of the Big Island. We still have had no offers of land to use and possess for the Gardens and we now know that we should not get involved with "money" to use to get "title" to lands for the Gardens. It appears that the people that have seen Our website that have actually arrived here so far are simply not ready for re-creating and living in Paradise for one or more reasons, some of which have been given on the Paradise News page. It has been decided instead to begin scouting "open land" 'in abeyance' ... There are currently 78 areas of land (called "ili" or "ahupua'a") that are all 200 acres or larger and possibly suitable for the purpose, on the 'Big Island' of Hawai'i. We are looking at land at low elevation from sea level up to about 1000 feet, plus some higher elevation land for growing plants suited to higher climates, for cooler living climates, and for safety against high tides and (highly unlikely) tsunamis. The land should be relatively flat, with lots of rainfall, some streams, oceanfront, conservation or agricultural zoning, contiguous land, away from power lines and main roads. To view the list of 78 land areas that *might* qualify due to their size and locations, go Here. The numbers on that page refer to the plat maps which are kept updated and available at the public library in Hilo. The Foundation also has a much older set of plat maps at the office for reference. Due to the lack of a 'legal driver' We are seeking a full-time 'driver' for a car or preferably a truck in good running condition, to get us to the lands and back for more fruit, seeds, plants and other natural supplies... and possibly to meet with others who may join the Project... Q: How is this Project currently being funded? A: We don't actively solicit donations of any kind. Anyone can help if they desire, though All donations are irrevocable !!! The basic principles of the Project (Paradisianism), are based on creating and maintaining perpetual Paradise Gardens Sanctuaries. To start on such unsure foundations as to allow people to withdraw their "money" from the Project, leaving everyone else involved with nothing but memories, would be in violation of these basic principles. One should, of course, be completely certain about donating to the Project before donating. Q: How many people are currently involved with this Project? A: By way of example, of the 1,692 recorded visits to Our website between 'August 1999' and 'February 2000', inclusive, (an average of about 250 page hits per month so far), about 150 people have sent Us e-mail, 71 of those people were placed on Our (now defunct) e-mail list, there were only 34 of those people who actually seemed interested, 12 that seemed very interested, and only 5 people who actually came here. Of the 5, NONE REMAINED to help the Project for one or more reasons... not ready for the move, too many commitments, stiff joints due to the humidity, wanderlust, no reason given at all... lots of people are just not ready for (the Work of restoring) Paradise. Q: Do You have any accomodations/space where I(/We) can stay while I(/We) are in Hawai'i? A: Basically, no. The Foundation office is much too small (10 feet by 10 feet, and packed with furniture, boxes, huge cheap desk with computer, etc.) so there's barely enough room for anyone to even sleep here at the office except in an emergency... although it could be arranged temporarily in an emergency.. We'll all be camping with whatever gear we have until we can build our houses, huts, etc. and then we'll be secure... it's like a do-it-yourself live-in botanical gardens/spiritual and wildlife sanctuary, and most importantly, a natural habitat and protected nature sanctuary or the most neglected animal on the planet.... us. Q: Will I be able to find work when I'm there in Hawai'i? A: It's true that it is necessary to have some means of livelihood. Jobs can be helpful for the short-term, and some work is available from time to time at organic farms, mostly in the Puna area. There is more competition because there are less jobs, but there are also less people here to compete for them. Work for "money" done by someone who is truly a Paradisian should be of a VERY temporary nature only, because the Project will require many hours a day of dedication, a complete readjustment of one's life to the new (and wonderful!) climate on the land... basically a lifetimes dedication to the Project. Given the current conditions of living in the 'workaday world', just about everyone is "disabled", according to the Paradisian standard of what being "able" is (Living in the Gardens, etc.). Whether or not someone is considered "disabled" by the "State" is another matter. In addition, many 'alternative', people are "disabled" according to the standards required by programs offered by public agencies to qualify them for assistance payments and food stamps to get them through the temporary period until the Gardens are established and give them the 'free' time they need to do the Project. Q: I don't have enough time to offer to this Project due to (work-related) disability. I also can't afford to maintain a steady level of "income" due to my condition. Is there any way I can get help to be free to do what I'd need to do as a Paradise Gardens Caretaker? A: Those with insufficient time to offer to this Project and/or enough "money" to sustain themselves due to disability/ poverty should read the actual specific SSI disability requirements pertaining to qualifying for SSI benefits via the easiest way they can usually be obtained based on Our experience, based on mental disabilites (usually caused by unnatural living conditions in places other than paradisial garden sanctuaries which are man's natural habitat and home and are everyone's birthright.) It has been proven through long experience that not only do physically disabled people usually have mental disabilites as well, which also qualifies them for these benefits. We are only encouraging applying for and receiving such benefits on a temporary basis, until the Gardens are established and self-sufficient...where these disabled people will have their first real opportunity to permanently recover from the causes and effects of their disabilities. We do not have any licensed attorneys and do not provide legal advice, but it is Your right to know the SSI Regulations if You're disabled, and all about the specific regulations for Social Security benefits, Food Stamps, and other public assistance programs to help get You through this transitional period. (This information is provided courtesy of recent links from The Lawful Path website and Cornell University). *************************************************** Still, We must Remember: "Livelihood" originally meant, and still means "sustenance", "what one eats" (i.e. "back to the Garden"). **************************************************** Q: How long has the Paradise Restoration Project been in existence? A: The Paradise Restoration Project was begun on 'May 12, 1990' after "Paradisian" had an intense vision of restoring the Earth to its Paradisial state. (The full story of the Paradise Restoration Project is told in the forthcoming book, The Road to Paradise by "Paradisian"). Q: Are my contributions to the Paradise Restoration Foundation "tax-deductible"? A: Contributions to the Paradise Restoration Foundation will most likely not be recognised as being tax-deductible by the Internal Revenue Service because the IRS can only request voluntary cooperation from "taxpayers" and a fund such as the Paradise Restoration Foundation is exclusively engaged in the management of resources for the unincorporated and unincorporatable Church of Paradise. Q: I want to be free to do whatever I want. Are you going to impose rules on my personal life if I'm a Caretaker? A: Paradise Gardens Caretakers will have no "rules", only agreements they have made with the other Caretakers, which build cooperation and trust, and help us be much more productive. When someone becomes a Caretaker, they are already in agreement with Basic Caretaker Agreements which apply only to what they do on Paradise Gardens grounds, and only what may affect others at the Gardens or involved with the Project. For example, unlawful (or even "illegal") activities done at a Paradise Gardens Sanctuary could or would jeopardize the sanctity of the Gardens themselves and other Paradise Gardens Caretakers. Earth People's Park in Vermont, USA, a multi-acre farm community with a somewhat similar vision, wound up being the "property" of the "State" due to forfeiture based on the "reputations" (and planting of drugs and guns) at the Park. See Wavy Gravy's book, "Something Good for a Change- Random Notes on Peace Thru Living" for more on this). The Basic Caretaker Agreements are merely sensible and eco-sensible practices which improve our living conditions, in accordance with the Natural Law of Paradisianism. There will be many chemically sensitive people and also people in substance abuse recovery, and these people must be respected. Paradise Gardens will be a Sanctuary where one can be free of annoyances and live in peace, health, comfort, and Spirituality and those values must take top priority. 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