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Around the dojo

Dojo - Training hall

Tatami - Mat

Gi - Suit (also referred to as pyjamas)

Obi - Belt


Important commands

Rei - Bow

Hajime - Begin

Yame - Stop immediately

Seiza - Kneel

Tate - Stand

Kotei - Change sides


People and grades

O Sensei - Ueshiba

Sensei - Instructor

Dan - Black belt level - starts at 1st Dan and progresses to 10th Dan

Kyu - All student grades before Dan grade - normally starts at around 8th kyu and progresses to 1st kyu

Tori - Defender or the person doing the technique

Uke - Attacker

Hidari - left

Migi - Right



Ichi - One

Ni - Two

San - Three

Shi or Yon - Four

Go - Five

Roku - Six

Shichi - Seven

Hachi - Eight

Ku - Nine

Ju - Ten


Randori no kata - Basic kata consisting of 17 techniques

Atemi waza - Attack techniques (techniques 1 to 5 from randori no kata)

1. Shomen ate - Frontal head attack

2. Ai gamae ate - Regular posture attack

3. Gyaku gamae ate - Reverse posture attack

4. Gedan ate - Low attack

5. Ushiro ate - Rear attack

Hiji waza - Elbow techniques (techniques 6 to 10 from randori no kata)

6. Oshi taoshi - Push down

7. Ude gaeshi - Arm entanglement

8. Hiki taoshi - Pull down

9. Ude hineri - Arm turn

10. Waki gatame - Arm lock

Tekubi waza - Wrist techniques (techniques 11-14 from randori no kata)

11. Kote hineri

12. Kote gaeshi - Wrist twist

13. Tenkai kote hineri - Wrist turn under arm

14. Shiho nage - Four directions throw

Uke waza - Floating techniques (techniques 15-17 from randori no kata)

15. Mae otoshi - Forward drop

16. Sumi otoshi - Corner drop

17. Hiki otoshi - Pulling drop


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