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This page was last updated 28 April, 2004

Kenya's west coast - Lake Victoria Safari Village

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Map of Kenya's west coast   















Some distances:   

Kisumu - Homa Bay = 110 km and Homa Bay - Mbita = 42 km, 

Kisumu - Luanda Kotieno = 95 km  

Carferry Luanda Kotieno- Mbita = 45 min.

from Mbita 7 am, 10 am, 2 pm and 5 pm, 

from Luanda Kotieno 8 am, 11 am, 3 pm and 6 pm

Kisii - Homa Bay = 60 km and Homa Bay - Mbita = 42 km, 


Mbita - Ruma National Park = 23 km and Mbita - Gembe Hills (view point) = 16 km. 


The map was prepared by Kenya Tourist Board

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