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to Old Jornadistas

Jornadas de Vida Cristiana - (Days of Christian Life) is a Catholic Youth Group Movement.  Its foundation was in South America in the early sixties is based on the Cursillo method and on teaching the belief in youth evangelizing to other youth. 

As with the Cursillo, the "Jornadas" consists of two separate but essential aspects, the Weekend and Follow Up.  The purpose of the Weekend is to bring the participants (males and females but the gentlemen go one month, while the ladies go on the next month) to a deep experience of God's Grace, this wonderful gift from the Father who makes us His sons and friends.  They come out of this experience not merely as "Jornadistas" but as true disciples of Christ and committed Christians

During the 1970's my wife Martha and I were honored to be part of this extremely large group of youths in the state of New York and New Jersey. I was fortunate to work in Camden New Jerseys first Jornada. Well as we married and moved all over the world to raise our children and begin our new  careers, we are sad to say that we lost track of our friends who at the time were so dear to us. Last summer my wife and I were searching a website to see if we could find any Old Jornadistas and were excited to find out that Yolanda and Dario Genao ( From Holy Cross) were only 3 hours from our Florida home.

Sure enough we made arrangements to visit them and sat for hours talking about the good old days in which we immediately got on the computer and found other Jornadistas still living in New York. At that time we agreed that something had to be done to find our lost friends and designed this website to some how, some way, bring us home   






















For Him





 For Her











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