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+ Learn To Fly... With Victoria Beckham! 

Name: Karim
Last name : Mokaled
Nickname : KoKo 
Date Of Birth : 15 May 1986
Sex : Male
Religion :Muslim
Nationality : Lebanese
Family Situation : 2 sisters ( Mira 17yrs old and 
Nada 7 yrs old ). Mom(May) and Dad(Hassan)
divorced in 1999. Lives with Mom.
Hobbies: Music , Internet , Swimming , MTV , Movies , Shopping ,BIKING.
Listen To: Pop, Rnb and a bit Of Rock
Fav. Female Artist: Madonna , Celine Dion, Shakira and pink .
Fav. Male Artist : Ricky Martin 
Fav. Girl Band : Spice Girls
Fav Boy Band : Blue