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?Flyaway With Pal and Chooni?
Tuesday, 22 June 2004
Talking about a personality.

I am Chooni here again.Lets have a talk on personality. What is personality? Well, on my point of view, it is just character, your thinking, actions and behavior. This is very important as it shows others what a person you are. Personality can earn big businesses as other companies trust in YOU and in what you do. Not only that, friendship comes from it. Just think, would you rather like a friend who is very irresponsible, throws tantrums without reason, unreasonable, selfish and thinks that you are just her/his toy and dumps you whenever she/he wants to. Or a friend who is reliable, trustful, caring, friendly and always there for you? of course the 2nd one in better. Ok, spend a few moments thinking about yourself. Have you been trying your best all the time? Doing good deeds? Being a good and TRUSTFUL friend? Not hurting someone or something else? If I were to answer this question, I would be very embarrassed indeed. A saying goes like this: Nobody is perfect in this world. Well, on my opinion, that is true. But we must not be disappointed and keeping trying our bests! I have no rights to say that, as I have never been trying my best all the time, I am a very not self-disipline kid. Sometimes, I lose confidence. And although in my teachers and friends' eyes, I'm a good, responsible, self-disiplined and kind child, deep in my heart, those are UNTRUE THINGS. 'Zhen', 'shan', 'mei' are humans' targets in life. Vanity in one of my weakness but being presentable in one of my strengthness too... Choosing a good friend in not difficult but VERY! They may just be putting on an act, like wearing a mask.How many true friends can you find on earth? Ha...I dun say that i have been a very true friend indeed... Think about yourself too, change when it is still early and sow seeds of perfection in your heart everyday. One fine day, the results would appear.

Posted by pop2/angeldestiny at 1:48 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 23 June 2004 11:33 AM EDT
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