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My Family

I have a father and a mother(obviously), and also a younger brother.

My Dad is a trader, who imports cosmetic products from France, then sells them to other companies in Taiwan, Shanghai and Singapore. My Mun assist him as a secretary. Though they have to trade with companies from other countries, they stay here in Singapore most of the time and accompany us. As for my brother,he is currently 11 years old, studing in Keng Seng Primary School as a primary 6 Student. Well, though he could be amazingly naughty sometimes, he could be fantasticly fun to be with at times.

I don't think I have to say it, but you must have figured that we are one happy family!

If you want to see pictures of my family, feel free to do so!

Picture of my Dad: Click here
Picture of my Mum: Click here
Picture of my brother: Click here
Picture of my Mum and Dad: Click here
Our Family Photo: Click here

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