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024- Arbok
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026- Raichu
027- Sandshrew
028- Sandslash
029- Nidoran Female
030- Nidorina
031- Nidoqueen
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033- Nidorino
034- Nidoking
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040- Wigglytuff
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045- Vileplume
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048- Venonat
049- Venomoth
050- Diglett
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054- Psyduck
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056- Mankey
057- Primeape
058- Growlithe
059- Arcanine
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062- Poliwrath
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066- Machop
067- Machoke
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069- Bellsprout
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103- Exeggutor
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107- Hitmonchan
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162- Ootachi
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168- Araidosu
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192- Kimawari
193- Yanyanma
194- Upaa
195- Nuo
196- Efui
197- Yanyan
198- Yamikarasu
199- Yadokingu
200- Muuma
201- Unknown
202- Sonansu
203- Kirinriki
204- Kunugidama
205- Fuoretosu
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207- Guraiga
208- Haganeru
209- Snubble
210- Guranburu
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215- Nyura
216- Himeguma
217- Ringuma
218- Magumaggu
219- Magukarugo
220- Urimuu
221- Inomu
222- Sanigo
223- Teppouo2
224- Okutan
225- Deribado
226- Matai
227- Eamudo
228- Derubiru
229- Heruga
230- Kingudora
231- Gomazou
232- Donfan
233- ??????
234- Odoshishi
235- Doburu
236- Baruki
237- Kapoera
238- Muchuru
239- Elekid
240- Bubii
241- Mirutanku
242- Hapinasu
243- Raikou
244- Entei
245- Suikun
246- Yogirasu
247- Sanagirasu
248- Bangirasu
249- Lugia
250- Houou
251- Serebii
ThankThe Pokemasters for the new Pokemon!

Dragonball Z
Supaa Saiya-Jin Two Gohan annhilated Cell Jr, and is now going head to head with the big man himself: Cell.

Gundam Wing
Endless Waltz is coming back, December 22, just in time for Christmas! For the Gundam Fan in your life... all you need is some cheap video editing software, and a couple blank tapes, and ya got yourself an Endless Waltz OAV!

Send me something, I don't watch it anymore.

Sailor Moon
Seeraa Muun Supaa S Season is on; It's better know as the Dead Moon Circus Episodes. Amazon Trio and The Amazoness Quartet are showing now, ya shouldn't have missed Friday's episode.

-Final Flash Top 10-

Seera Muun Chicks

1.Hino Rei
2.Kino Makoto
3.Fish Eye
4.Ves Ves
5.Cere Cere
6.Mistress Nine
7.Aino Makoto
8.Meioh Setsuna
10.Para Para

SJF Empire
Planet Namek
Pokemon Factory
Articuno's Island
Gundam Wing


AIM SN-If available:

Viridian City Pokecenter
Togepi Moon
Growlithe Yeerk
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