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About Me


Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.
--Charles W. Eliot

bulletDeep Thoughts - If you're in a thinking mood, try these...
bulletBeyond Yes and No - Albert Camus
bulletThe Myth of Sisyphus - Albert Camus
bulletThe Last Question - Isaac Asimov
bulletThe Invitation - Oriah Mountain Dreamer
bulletCoda - Ray Bradbury

Lighter Notes - Shiny bits that caught my magpie eye
bulletBreak-up scene from The Maltese Falcon
bulletHomage to the San Francisco YMCA - Richard Brautigan
bullet1001 Ways to Beat the Draft (excerpt) - Tuli Kupferberg


Poetry - Some of my favorites, and some I've written
bulletPhenomenal Woman - Maya Angelou
bulletYou Fit Into Me - Margaret Atwood
bulletFuneral Blues - W. H. Auden
bulletMusée des Beaux Arts - W. H. Auden
bullet O Tell Me the Truth About Love - W. H. Auden
bulletIn Memory of Radio - Amiri Baraka (Leroi Jones)
bulletThe Garden of Love - William Blake
bullet Sonnets from the Portuguese, 43 - Elizabeth Barrett Browning
bulletPorphyria's Lover - Robert Browning
bullet how to be a great writer - Charles Bukowski
bulletsome people - Charles Bukowski
bulletDon Juan (excerpt) - Lord Byron
bulletWhen We Two Parted - Lord Byron
bulletJabberwocky - Lewis Carroll
bullethomage to my hips - Lucille Clifton
bulletto my last period - Lucille Clifton
bulletWar Is Kind - Stephen Crane
bullet Ballade of the New God - Tom Disch
bullet A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning - John Donne
bulletHoly Sonnet 10 - John Donne
bulletGod, a Poem - James Fenton
bullet The Ex-Grunt Writes His Last Letter to His Former Professor - Robert A. Fink
bulletNothing Gold Can Stay - Robert Frost
bullet Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening - Robert Frost
bullet Maybe Dats Your Pwoblem Too - Jim Hall
bulletAdam's Task - John Hollander
bullet The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner - Randall Jarrell
bulletAlternate Harvest - Aimee Jaskot
bulletDiscontent - Aimee Jaskot
bulletExcuses - Aimee Jaskot
bulletFor Baudelaire - Aimee Jaskot
bulletLiberty's Credo - Aimee Jaskot
bulletLonging - Aimee Jaskot
bulletMorning - Aimee Jaskot
bulletParadise - Aimee Jaskot
bulletSecond-Rate Sonnet - Aimee Jaskot
bulletsweet nothing - Aimee Jaskot
bulletWarning - Jenny Joseph
bullet After Making Love We Hear Footsteps - Galway Kinnell
bulletNext, Please - Philip Larkin
bulletSelf-Protection - D. H. Lawrence
bulletPersimmons - Li-Young Lee
bulletTo His Coy Mistress - Andrew Marvell
bulletSeparation - W. S. Merwin
bulletDulce et Decorum Est - Wilfred Owen
bulletOne Perfect Rose - Dorothy Parker
bulletRésumé - Dorothy Parker
bulletPiazza Piece - John Crowe Ransom
bulletChicago - Carl Sandburg
bulletDreamers - Siegfried Sassoon
bulletSonnet 116 -  William Shakespeare
bulletOzymandias - Percy Bysshe Shelley
bulletRed-jelly Lifesavers - Robert Stanton
bulletSous-Entendu - Anne Stevenson
bullet Teaching the Ape to Write Poems - James Tate
bullet Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night - Dylan Thomas
bullet The Last Words of My English Grandmother - William Carlos Williams
bulletThe Red Wheelbarrow - William Carlos Williams
bulletWhen You Are Old - William Butler Yeats