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Wed, 20 Oct 2004
Introduction to the Trentblog?
Now Playing: playing what? whatever
Topic: Info
This be Trentblog? I think. I mean, what's all this "blog" business anyhow? I just want to share my thoughts with the entire world. But then again, do I? Does the world want my thoughts. Does the world need my thoughts. Does the world really have the time. I dont. What if all the world did this, we'd have information overload. It's already started. There's way to much out there and not enough of it is important enought to read, so why do people publish it? What a waste of time-space, both really. Besides I dont really like to take in what the world has to offer so why do I offer myself to the world? I dont know, but somehow I am. yeah. So this it my "blog" I guess where I want to do my "blogging", and maybe post my poetry. Man the word blog is sure weird, almost dumb looking really... ok that is all...

Posted by trentoncon at 12:01 AM CDT
Updated: Fri, 29 Oct 2004 11:41 AM CDT
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Tue, 14 Sep 2004
More on info. Overload...
We live in the information age right? Do we need all this useless info floating around confusing people? It's everywhere!! See, ages ago, before the printing press, people lived differently. And even when the Guttenberg (sp?) invented this, publishing was very hard, it took a lot of work. I like this idea. It filtered out things people had to say that weren't worth publishing. It’s not like that anymore. For example, if someone was upset at let's say umm.., how there’s too much crap out there, this certain someone could publish his thoughts to their very own blog and it would be available to all the world, just adding yet another entry to the enormous web of useless words. And this is just one person! There’s billions of people out there having thousands of thoughts everyday, of which, rarely is there one out of all these billions of voices that is completely original and worthy to be immortalized in on a servers hard drive. An even if it was of worth, whose to say that someone else hasn’t also just had that very thought and decided to express it in the same way, there by doubling and tripping the very same thing many times over into thousand of duplicated, unoriginal clones.. Yet this still moves on this way. More and more this massive web grows and while it offers more, it also offers less.

Posted by trentoncon at 10:58 PM CDT
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