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Random Thought Process
Sunday, 23 May 2004
So i'm bored, lonely, and kinda sleepy.
Greg's being a poo head, though he says he's not.
5 days.. hurray.. *sigh* I wish I didn't miss him like crazy. But I do, and it's bad.
We were talking about sleeping together, sleep not anything dirty, and it just made me feel more lonely.
I miss his arms around me.

Posted by poetry/shatteredlife at 3:47 PM EDT
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Saturday, 22 May 2004
sex sex sex
all this sex talk is making me so desperately horny...

Posted by poetry/shatteredlife at 11:40 PM EDT
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Thursday, 20 May 2004
Greg's coming in a week!!

Posted by poetry/shatteredlife at 9:47 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 19 May 2004
Carnations for Kchan
So since Kchan doesn't know that this site exists, I can safely say in here what the blob is doing to cheer her up.
This year, our school is doing a sale of carnations for your favorite departing senior. They're $1 each, and I'm trying to get every blob member to buy her at least one. I bought her 6, Taylor bought her 4, Jen L bought her 2, and Dan bought her 1. There are several other interested blob members though, so besides the fact that we're all broke, the only problem might be keeping it a secret long enough for her to get this huge boquet of flowers in homeroom. I actually don't even know when they're delivering them, but it'll be great to see Kchan with tons of carnations.
So that's my good deed of the week, since it's been taking up a good deal of my time at school talking to blob members trying to convince everyone that Kchan deserves mad amounts of flowers. And even my family is pitching in: Mom donated her last $2 to the flower fund, Dad chucked in $1, and Matt gave me $3. I'm gunna come up with a way to get her some more, because so far she has 13 flowers, and I don't like odd numbers. My goal is that she get at least 2 dozen.
Wish me luck and GIVE ME MONEY!!!

Posted by poetry/shatteredlife at 1:20 PM EDT
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Monday, 17 May 2004
I'm still hyper from my conversation with Greggy yesterday about.. well... adding various other people to our not so sex life. Should be fun. lol.
I can't wait to see him. Two weeks seems so far away. He's starting to really like me, to get attached to me. He thinks it's bad because he thinks we're going to have a bad end; I told him to stop being so pessimistic. lol
I dunno what's going to happen in the future, but I always want him to be a part of it, even as friends; unless of course he marries Crystal in which case "BUH BYE." lol
No fair--Mr. Elliotts 4th block Chem class is outside in the courtyard, but we didn't get to go outside during 2nd!!! *growl*
Anyway, I don't care cuz it's nice in here. I'm gunna go check Greg's tagboard to see if he's noticed that I'm done working.

Posted by poetry/shatteredlife at 1:19 PM EDT
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Sunday, 16 May 2004
He's baaaaaaack
He's really, really sick. And I feel really, really shitty for letting my mind wander the way it did.
I missed him so much.
*hugs for my Greggy*

Posted by poetry/shatteredlife at 2:01 PM EDT
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Greg was supposed to be home yesterday afternoon, and I still haven't heard from him.

Posted by poetry/shatteredlife at 8:29 AM EDT
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Friday, 14 May 2004
Long Time No Update
So it's not that I've been busy, I just haven't had the ambition to update. I've thought about it several times.. just never did. Until now.
Greg came and left. It was a terrific weekend, and I miss him so much. We're dating now, as of yesterday, though I really don't think he wants to. But he's still confused, and we're trying to "figure things out" whatever that's supposed to mean.
He's only with me because I felt like a slut for all the stuff we did last weekend and what we did online and after I got offline. I feel so fuckng selfish for wanting him to be mine when he doesnt want to be. I like knowing that he's mine and that there's someone who cares about me. *sigh*
He's gone. He's spending the night with Francine, his new friend. They're going out on a date tonight. A date. My boyfriend is going out on a date with another girl. Meh.
If I didn't feel so horribly ill i'd be pissed.
But yeah, this past weekend was really amazing. I felt so comfortable with him. I was able to be myself and not worry that he'd think I was a freak. Besides, he did enough freaky shit of his own to balance out anything else I could do. (airhumping to the beat on ddr???) SO yeah. I just..
I miss him..
And now that we're dating I feel like we're so much farther apart. Before I felt like his equal, and now.. Now i dunno what I feel. Last night, I signed on at 820 hoping to talk to him for more than our normal hour before I have to go to bed. He didn't get on until 940 and then ignored me for 10 mins while he was looking for something. Then when I had to go to bed, I *hugged* him and *kissed* him and he was just like "night." so that was REALLY frustrating.
I hate that i feel so protective over him considering he's not with me of his own accord. But he does have a point, it's not like I forced him to be with me like "be with me or I'll cut you up, bitch" so yeah. whee.
I just wish I wasn't so alone.

Posted by poetry/shatteredlife at 1:19 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 5 May 2004
So guess what? In my school, when you're a senior, if you have above a 90 average in your class, you don't have to take the final. Well, even though I'm a junior, my keyboarding teacher approached me today to tell me that while she couldn't excuse me from the final, she wasn't going to have me take it. She needs extra computers for the final, so she's trying to have some kids who don't need to take it, not take it. So basically, even though by all school rules I should have to take the final, I won't have to. Hurray!! lol Cuz like, my grade right now is a 96, and last quarter was an 88, so averaged right now is 94. Well, she'd take whatever my average was, and put it in as a final exam grade so that the records wouldn't show I was excused. It's really quite brilliant.
So YEAH!! No keyboarding final!!!

Posted by poetry/shatteredlife at 2:23 PM EDT
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Sunday, 2 May 2004
I could just SCREAM. My parents are so obnoxious. It's so hard to deal with them. Now they are debating letting Gregory come visit because they can't call and talk to his mother. The reason they can't call and talk to his mother is because HE LIED TO HIS MOTHER. He told her he was going to his friend's cousin's birthday party or some stupid shit like that. Total bullshit that most people wouldn't buy. But now, I can't be like, yeah sure call his mom and blow his cover.
If they don't let him come, I'm going to be fucking miserable. And I will cry.. for quite a while.

Posted by poetry/shatteredlife at 9:37 PM EDT
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