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Rare Dark Tales
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Now Playing: Short poem with a quiet place in mind

Smooth white walls,
A solid barren floor.
Pictures fastened and secure,
A slot within the door.

Windows risen high above,
Mattress with no frame.
Paper plates a simple spoon,
Plastic insert with my name.

Needle plugged into me,
Arms wrapped all around.
Lying silent rocking motion,
Voices heard the only sound.

Let me out,
Leave me be.
I want to end this,
Set me free.

Posted by poetry/rare_dark_tales at 8:55 AM PST
Updated: Sunday, March 20, 2005 9:00 AM PST
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Now Playing: A poem written for Magglio to read at Obsidian Embrace

Hair Flowing and long,
Lips indicate sweetness.
Savvy and hot,
Confidence that shines.

What must I do?
I bow down before you.
Worship the stains upon the floor,
Battering me down again.

Strut and flash,
Luring me in.
Tease and caress with care,
Diss your pain upon me.

I offer and give.
Follow and beg.
How pathetic have I become?
Shell of my former self.

Your tongue darts and calls,
Eyes that pierce divine.
Hip hugging gown,
Cutting me down.

Time is passing me by,
Opportunities most lost.
You are my focus,
Mesmerized with pain.

Give all that one can.
Twist of your finger,
To come hither.

I control nothing,
Body at your mercy.
A vision of the blade,
Blinded by love.

Wicked smile, piercing eyes.
Forked tongue darts about,
Follow your command,
Ultimate sacrifice.

TOGETHER, she makes a promise,
WE shall take this path.
Hand in hand,
She will follow.

Gazing into your eyes,
Stone cold darkness.
Jagged blade upon my neck,
Piercing my last breath.

As flesh succumbs to steel,
Blood flows freely.

Last sounds echo intensely,

Your wicked laughter…

Posted by poetry/rare_dark_tales at 8:48 AM PST
Updated: Sunday, March 20, 2005 8:55 AM PST
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Saturday, March 19, 2005
Hear Me Out
Now Playing: A short story written for Magglio

I found myself one night waking from a nightmare, screaming and sweating and thrashing about. I rolled over and looked at the old oak stand next to my bed and saw my bottle of tablets. I popped the cap and forced three down and rolled back over to try and go back to sleep. I fell into a deep sleep almost instantly and began to dream….

I was walking down a path, the path seemed very straight and had very bright lights along the sides almost as if guiding me. I saw a child crossing the path with a small animal.. it looked like a cat, though it had floppy ears and a sad face. I stopped and said to the girl, “Hello, may I ask is that a cat?” The girl never turned to look at me, but rather just kept walking. This rather angered me and I asked again almost shouting this time“ I asked you a question! Is that a cat?” But still the girl kept walking and soon disappeared behind some trees.

I shrugged it off and continued following the path, for I now can see two more people ahead. They looked to be 2 teen aged males and I believe they were playing a game. They were both waving their hands around and laughing with one another. I picked up my pace and worked my way toward the boys. As I approached them I yelled out. “Hey, what are you guys playing? Mind if I join in?” The boys continued laughing and waving their hands around as if I didn’t even exist. As I got closer I shook my fists at them and yelled, why wont you guys answer me! Come here! The boys turned and ran off as if they never even saw me or heard me!

This began to worry me. I raised my hands in front of my face and turned them over and around. I can see my hands.. I have to be here… Wait, perhaps I have lost my ability to speak! This made me panic a bit… I started to jog down the path in search of another person. As I ran I started to shout at the top of my lungs… “HEY! HELLO! CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?” I, I I can hear myself… I can I told myself trying to convince myself. I reached up to my mouth with my hand and again shouted. I can feel the air coming from my mouth when I speak.. I must be able to talk, yes I …I Or can I?? I began to doubt that of which I was hearing ... perhaps I am thinking and not really speaking?

I was in full panic mode now and looking for anyone at all to help me. There were a few people gathered around in what looked to be a park nearby. I again shouted out now very worried that I had lost my ability to speak. Again… nothing not a single person out of the entire group of folks gathered turned to look at me.

I had seen enough now and in a full panic turned around to run when I ran face first into a man that had been quietly following me. I stumbled and almost fell but managed to stay on my feet. I said” Oh, thank god… you can hear me. What in the world is the matter with all these people? I have been shouting and trying to talk to people all day and not a one will even acknowledge me! The man shook his head and without a word held up a finger. He then pulled out a parchment and began to inscribe something… He smiled and handed the parchment to me. I quickly unrolled it and began to read.

Dear sir,
You have entered the dream city of Silantra. Within this city are several hundred inhabitants all of which are deaf. You my friend have learned a valuable lesson today. Never take anything for granted including your own abilities or the intent of others and always give others the benefit of the doubt before judging them.

I lowered the scroll from my eyes a bit ashamed and at that moment a storm blew in pouring down upon me and there I was back in bed… wet, sweating and scared… I jumped up and ran to the mirror and quietly mouthed the words “Help me” I could hear them… and I was very thankful…

Posted by poetry/rare_dark_tales at 9:40 PM PST
Updated: Sunday, March 20, 2005 8:52 AM PST
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Dark Day
Now Playing: Here is another project poem.

Dank drizzle slamming the roof,
Emotions swelling inside of me.
Arms from those that I love and care,
Wrapping around embracing me.
Silence falls except for tears,

A word is spoken,
A holy book.

How can I remember how you feel?
Will I ever see you again?
Visions and memories vivid at best,
Tomorrow will come nonetheless.

I stand and move,
I cannot feel.

You look so pretty in that dress,
The flowers brighten your smile.
I hold your hand and place a kiss,
Pain cuts through my heart.

I love you,
Forever more.

Posted by poetry/rare_dark_tales at 9:32 PM PST
Updated: Saturday, March 19, 2005 9:49 PM PST
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Now Playing: This little piece was a project poem.

Awakened explorer,
soaring in.
Claims new form,
in a dream.

Shocked and Aimless,
lost and wandering.
Confusion and amazement,
unsuspected empty facade.

Traveler gloating,
without care.
Souless Shamblix,
screams reaching out.

Sinless floating,
lacking coherance.
Soulsphere of wonder,
floats around.

Grounded on air,
through a sanctuary.
Swept up,
as if destiny.

Posted by poetry/rare_dark_tales at 9:28 PM PST
Updated: Saturday, March 19, 2005 9:48 PM PST
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Saturday, March 12, 2005
One Line
Now Playing: Written by: Doug Rarey for Magglio in UL

Beads of sweat roll against the flesh,
As hunger returns for another round.
Deep inside knowing it cannot go on,
Though the fever persists and pushes me.

How many more must endure the pain?
Why must they all display a frown.
The pleasure of another within the line,
Lasts only as long as the blade itself.

With a blink it's over as fast as it began,
A simple plan executed with care.
Little pain with few lessons learned,
Thus the lasting scars imminent.

What is it coming over me?
Can the void ever be fullfilled?
With the casualties rising over me,
Inside I begin to cower and tear.

The travel has swallowed all new paths,
With one line all that exists.
Cleanse the stains from the tip,
How many more?
One may never know.

Carefully placed and easily found
Those that oppose see nothing,
The adrenaline persists as it returns,
There's another...

So innocent....
Next In Line.

Posted by poetry/rare_dark_tales at 2:51 PM PST
Updated: Saturday, March 12, 2005 3:23 PM PST
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