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Path Planning

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Follow me:) Hello, everyone.

Mes Shanila Nadaroidean, a little sprite who has come to these lands to learn of the new things aislings have to offer. Mes learned quite a lot about various things in these lands. These nice things have a lot of value for the beginning traveller and young adventurers. Me wants to share you one of my greatest research project. Its the tablets of pathplanning, these tablets allow you to plan your path from the very first day yous gained the spark of aislinghood. Dont worry other aislings, its not just for those that have just started the path of aislinghood, this is for everyone and anyone who whished to use some planning in there path. Any who has been touched by the flame of Deoch has the ability to see the visions thats hidden inside the tablets. Mes probably made you curious so mes going to guide you to the room where the tablets are stored.

((It is a zipped program with a setup, if the setup gives an error message it is because the file already exists on your computer, this error can just be ignored and continued with installation. Click my picture to start the downloading.))
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