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Themes and role of the guild

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What does the guild name mean?:
The Cura ainneamhag a bith is means the Guardian Phoenix of Life. With life in the meaning of existing. Everything is tied in the web of life and death. Being around in the time from living till the time of death is your period of existance. This period of your existance in life is called a "bith" -please do not confuse this gaelic word with the word of a female dog-. To protect the lives of Aislings and create a better place of Temuair there is need for a guardian. Especially in the early circles for an Aisling.
The "ainneamhag" which means the phoenix that represents rebirth. With rebirth the lost Aisling may be guided back to a path where it could enjoy living in Temauir without having to wander around long before they may finally find someone that would provide them time to make their questions about Temuair answered. Not only lost Aislings and the less fortunate are attended to, all of the Aislings of Temuair can stop by and ask for knowledge or help.
The "Cura" which are the guardians, the members of the guild have the task to help build Temuair a place where Aislings can live their lives as they are supposed to. The guild will protect any Aisling that is being flamed, blackmailed, abused by another without them giving any good reason.

Main themes?:
Guidance -- Many Aislings may have noticed that just after receiving the flame of deoch it is hard to find your way through the early stages of the first two circles. The early stages of an Aisling are very important, the first two circles have the highest impact of forming their character. Thus helping an Aisling early in their path may change his future actions toward Temuair. This does not mean that an Aisling will always get a mentor or needs to change from their old mentor. Guiding, helping someone on their path would be as good.
Assisting -- Crafting is a part of Temuairs everydays life. Some forms are, creating potions, making magical enchantments and doing concecrations. Often is found that an Aisling walks around for days to find nobody able to assist or perform such a craft for in reasonable terms. An unreasable term is promissing assistance in exchange for political support or performing a craft for a price that the Aisling in need would not be able to pay easily. The assisting of any member of the guild in crafting is free at all times. Performing a craft for an Aisling is done for free to a reasable extend of payment.
Rescues -- One of the things some people have trouble with is to find a reliable group of Aislings that would be able to perform a rescue mission. Be it someone skulled in a dangerous area or just fainted while being taken into chaos. An Aisling in a hostile area is vulnerable to the many dangers. Even is the rescue of a skulled person has resulted in a death, a member or members from the guild would try to retrieve the deathpile from the current location.
Protection -- Any Aisling that is being flamed, blackmailed, abused or anything else that may cause mental and/or physical harm by another Aisling directly or indirectly without them giving any good reason will be protected from the agressor. If the situation is drastic enough the guild will write a rapport to the local authority about the behavior of the agressor. The law would handle the situation from there.
Events -- At certain times notified in the news the guild would offer an event in the form of a play, games or any other form of entertainment. In case of a game prizes could be won. Although games are for enjoyment not for greed.

Requirements to join?:
Pure -- This means live as an Aisling without condoning yourself to demonic activities that are well known in the mundane world. ((Stay in character.))
Resptective -- This means that you will respect others as they are. This does not mean that for instance a criminal should have the same respect as a commoner. Discrimination towards another Aisling for religion, class or guild is considered not respective. Remember that to be respected you need to be able to respect others.
Enlightfull -- You must be willing to enlighten other Aislings about your current class if that is asked of you. Any other form of enlightment is different by each Aisling as some have more knowledge about the lands than others. Keeping knowledge for yourself that you could have shared to others without any good reason is not considered enlightfull.
Lawful -- An Aisling who keeps to the laws of the town is lawful. Aislings who have comitted a minor crime will have to go through a screening first. If the Aisling truely wish to step away from the crime and live a lawful life then this is Aisling is considered lawful. Any member who comits itself into a crime will be questioned. If this turns out to be a valid crime and by will of the Aisling in question then the Aisling will be exiled from the guild.
Active -- A member should be active to all the main themes of the guild. If for some reason it is not possible it should be stated why it is not a possibility to keep to the main themes.
Will -- A member must have the will to keep to the main themes and be able to cooperate with the other members.

The requirements of the guild are called the PRE LAW, if you can live up to them you have the requirements to join.

Circles: The circles are groups of insights.
-The first circle is insight 1 to 10
-The second circle is insight 11 to 40
-The third circle is insight 41 to 70
-The fourth circle is insight 71 to 96
-The fifth circle is insight 97 to 99


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