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~ Hell's Grip ~
~ We are so over ~
~ The Truth ~

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Hell's Grip

On your cross you whine to god.
Your life is bullshit and he is a fraud.
You now suffer, bleeding to death hoping
For an afterlife with your last breath.
They will leave you nothing it's your curse lost messiah,
Son of god perish like a dyeing dog.
Without their belief in your lies they will forget and you legend will die.
How will you handle futures armageddon when you cant even hold on to you children.
Satin will rise from the fires that heap,
He will drag you way down south and burn your ass in hells fiery mouth.

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We are so over

I can’t stand the way you lie, I’m looking for you
I can’t stand the way you lie, I need to talk to you
I can’t stand the way you lie, it’s gonna be fun
I can’t stand the way you lie, it’s the end.
I can’t believe you would do this, oh wait I can.
You are only fourth cousin,
I am cutting you out.
Out of my life out of my mind
I am so done with your games the way you lie
The way you cheat.
We are so over.

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The Truth

Sitting here alone,
thinking about you.
Wishing you would be mine,
dont think its gonna happen,
still only wishing.
Hoping that one day,
I can say 'yea he's with me'.
I look into your eyes,
and I draw a blank.
I cant tell if its truth,
or just a lie.
Tell me how you feel,
if you do like me,
or if you are just playing round.
Is this just a game,
or is this for real.
I just wanna know,
the truth.

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