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~ Cliché ~
~ Go Ahead ~
~ A Time So Long Ago ~
~ Giving In ~
~ His Monument ~
~ Hold Me Now ~
~ I'm Sorry ~
~ Long Since Gone ~
~ My Dear Friend ~
~ My Last Goodbye ~
~ Out of Mind ~
~ Reborn ~
~ Rise again ~
~ Shadow ~
~ Someday ~
~ Tears I Will Not Cry ~
~ The Simple Things ~
~ To Late ~
~ Truth ~
~ Twisted Tale ~
~ Utterly Alone ~
~ Who Would Have Known? ~
~ A Time To Come ~
~ Life and Death ~
~ The Feeling of Fear and Bravery ~
~ Nothing ~
~ A Night Like Many Others ~
~ Changes ~
~ Utterly Alone ~
~ Wild Debbie Lou ~
~ Estate Sale ~

~ Feedback ~
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~ G33K SW4T ~
~ Granny's Cabin ~
~ Moonstone Dreams ~
~ Your Site Here ~


All mindless zombies
All dress the same
Follow the same cliché
Wear this and say that
Just to fit in
It's all pathetic
How they think it works
You say you're being unique
Whenever everyone else is doing
The exact same thing
Some buy it and love you
Not love you,
But love what you are trying
Yet will never be
Maybe you truly believe you are most adored by what you wear
You're not
Take all of the fake you away
And you are what you are trying to not be
You shame those who are who they really are
What they wear because it is really them
You pretend to be the nicest
When you are truly the cruelest
Most of what you wear,
You wear because you want attention
It's your own desperation
Most just want the attention it gives them
Others do it because they're comfortable with it
Be who you want to be,
Not who you the think they want you to be
Don’t think you're the best because of what you are wearing
It's only material
Take it away and all you are is another,
Another searching desperately for a place to fit in
Somewhere you won't be looked down upon for what you wear
Wear black when everyone else wears white
Not for attention
Don’t wear expensive clothes and walk around
Thinking you rule all
So what, you're rich, you have money
Big deal
It doesn’t mean you have to rub it in
Just because the famous do one thing,
Doesn’t mean you should do it too
Mix it all up
Take everything you like
And make something new
Get over the cliché
Stop being another stereotype
Everybody is a follower
With so few leaders

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Go Ahead

Sitting here patiently waiting
Waiting for you to look at me
Acknowledge my existence
You pay attention to others
Not even a small glance at me
I do not move, make noise, disturb you
I only listen to every word you're saying
Listen to every lie that comes out
You're the one with all of the attention right now
Not bothering to share any of it
Not acknowledging those you should
Go ahead, put me down in front of them
I know the truth and think even they see it
It’s the only way to make yourself look good
Make you look important
You try to cover up what and who you really are
Behind all you say, behind the beauty they see
You are only ugly, diseased, and treacherous
The way you betray people you call friends
Just for your own benefit
Put me down in front of them all
I hold my tongue
Because I know the truth
By putting me down in front of them,
They see it too
You are nothing to them but what you give yourself as
Nothing but a fun ride
They don’t care
They see how you treat me
See how you want the attention
Will not allow anyone else to have it
So now I will sit here patiently waiting
Waiting for you to look at me
Acknowledge my existence
For now you will ignore me
Only look down on me
To make yourself feel big in front of them
But later, when they've used you
Gotten all the fun they want out of you
And throw you out of their sight like a worthless toy
I know you will come to me
Expecting and begging for help
For me to care
For me to show emotion
You act like you'd done nothing
Nothing wrong
That you were the one mistreated
Put aside and ignored
Now you know how I felt
You say you care for me
But I know you truly don’t care
You will sell me out or give me up for attention
You are a whore, of many sorts
I see always have been
So when you come begging for my help
Remember one day I will say no
One day I will no longer be here
You will be on your own
No longer able to hide behind me
To save yourself
Maybe then you will see just how much you need me.

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A Time So Long Ago

Touch my face
Stroke my cheek
Try to remember a time
That once was
A place far from here
A place long ago
I was another
Alone in the dark
Reaching out for another
Looking for someone to help
Someone I could prove use to
My existence was nothing
And meant nothing to no one
On the day of rain I saw you
You were just as alone
In the same dark place
From a place so far from here
A time so long ago
Reaching out for another
Looking to help another
It was when we saw the other
That we knew our existence was something
And meant something to someone
Undeniably sweet was our youth that none could find us
Locked away in the darkness we found light
A light hidden from sight of our eyes before
We went on and aged
None ever knew of us and none never bothered us
Our lives continued as one
But things were tempted to end it all
The day the sun shone you were taken
My love the way you fought to go on
Only to have your wings torn and your heart shattered
You were taken to another place and a far away time to come
I was imprisoned in the time before us.
Left to feel nothing more
Only to go back to what once was.

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Giving In

I know these things that hide below the surface
Have seen their faces time and time again
Each time they get ever so close to breaking free
Making me who I truly want to be
I restrain myself for self respect
Once had other reason than that
A promise forgotten by the one it was to
Now I see they forgot it too
See they don't care
Why hold back anymore
Nobody will care,
It won't matter
All I have for reason is some silly belief
Some waiting, holding back for the future
But it's pushing with all of its might
Each time something simple happens
I see less and less reason not to just let go
The light that guided me
Has long since faded into darkness
I want freedom
End of restrainment
To be taken somewhere I have never been
Taken to a place I'm not supposed to be
Be free to go where I want,
With who I want,
When I want
Do what I want without being held back
Letting go of my morals for just awhile
Ignoring consequences
It's still beneath the surface screaming to get out
Fighting to be heard,
Driving me to insanity
Unable to keep from going over
My fear of letting go is still hear
Fear of regret in my future for not waiting
For not holding back
But at the moment I see not a reason not to let go
But reason to
Maybe I will figure out what will happen
Whether I will give in to temptation
Or keep from it as all say I shall
Quit giving me competition
Quit giving me reason
All I need is to get it over with
Get it to stop
I only know one way
And that is to give into what I truly want

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His Monument

I was his Monument
Struggling to be free of him
Barely getting up
Barely getting out of his sight
He pulls me back
Before I stray to far
I’m not my own
Nine years old
Fighting to get away
Wishing he would go
I am his monument
The one he worships
Let me be free
Let me escape it all
If he wakes
I won’t wait
If she cries once again
Will I hear it
Or will it have begun
To blend in
I will be free
Take her with me
So he does not hurt her
Not begin to make
Another monument out of her
She doesn’t deserve
The memories
We will escape
If he wakes,
I won’t wait
I'll take you
To where it’s safe
Where we are free
And no longer
His monuments
Memories might teach us so much more
More than he will ever know

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Hold Me Now

As I look at my scarlet hands
Realizing what you did
Going back in time
Reliving those moments
Over and over again in my head
It is there playing
Like an old record
That just keeps going on
I look around
And realize you're looking at me
Looking at my scarlet hands
Realizing what you did
Reliving those moments
Over and over again in your head
I fall to the ground
Feel the pain
Feel it wash over me
Like a great monsoon
I look back up at you
And you fall beside me
Take me in your arms
Just hold me now
Don’t worry,
The pain is leaving
And I am feeling a calm
A calm I thought I would never feel
There are tears in your eyes
As you realize what you’ve done
I feel your tears wash over me
I feel their salt in my wounds
But I feel no pain
You’re begging for forgiveness
Just hold me now
And all is forgiven

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I’m Sorry

Don’t tell me you love me
Don’t ask me to love you
Do not love me
For I cannot love you
Yes, I care
But cannot the way you want
All you ever had
Were good intentions
Looking for someone to cease your breaking heart
You found me
Be we are oh so young
You said I was the "one"
Yet, I didn’t let you get your hopes up
I didn’t know how to explain I wasn’t
How to tell you I'm not ready
Not ready to be what you need
I am young, and for now free
You thought I would commit to you
Just because I dated you
You're not a bad person
Only everything I should want
You care, you want and you love me for me
No masks, no lies, only me
But I cannot take you
You deserve someone who can return the feelings
As for me, I know you are not the "one"
I will learn from you
But that is all
I love you
But not as you love me
I am your obsession
But you are not mine
Mine is life
Living it and learning from it
Making mistakes and knowing what to do next time
I cannot be caged
At least not by you
So now I must fly again
And say my goodbyes
I know I hurt you
But if I had waited any longer,
You would have only been hurt deeper
I honestly believed I could truly love you
But now I know I cannot
Not as you loved me

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Long Since Gone

You sit there and stare in wonder
I’m not the same I used to be
Things have changed since you had me last
No longer can you push me around
I’m not the scared little kid anymore
No more tears on my part
I won’t fear you anymore
Not let you beat me down
Screw with my head so I think you're right
I’m not hiding anymore

You see me standing before you
Willing to fight
Willing to stand up for myself
Ready to get you out of my life
There's nothing you can do anymore
Nothing to control me
I no longer take your orders
I have my own mind and now I am free from you

I can tell in your eyes
You want me tethered and locked up again
Beat me all you want
But I will not scream for you
Will never give in
You shall never have the pleasure of my fear, my screams or my tears

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My Dear Friend

My dear friend
I remember when we were happy
When we would laugh together over simple things
Nothing could tear us apart
For we were incomplete without each other
Our hearts beat the same rhythm
We were one together

I remember when we ran together
Full of life and youth
Nothing could bring us down
We were healthy and happy
As though the sun would always shine upon us
Everything was vibrant when we’re together

But now you’re so cold
There’s a far off look in you eyes
Eyes that have glazed over
And dulled out

I now know we will not laugh together
For nothing can undo what has been done
Who would have thought the walls would come crashing down around us
Or something could tear us apart
Our sun was covered in clouds
And our night of fun ended

Our hearts will no longer beat the same rhythm
And we will not be complete
Because, the world fell in around us
And darkness swept around us
It is here still
But you no longer are
It filled your place
And now I feel nothing but sorrow and remorse

I try to move you
Shake you back to life
But still you stare at me
With that glazed over stare
Please wake up for I am incomplete without you
I may as well be there beside you
So our hearts will be still together

But I must go on
And fight the fight for you
I know I will be there with you someday my dear friend
Even though they say I must leave you
Leave you for the animals to pick at your bones
Where you will decay and lose all beauty

But I will return when this is over
And lay still beside you
And we will be happy once again

This time nothing will ever separate us again
And we’ll run together in this other place
And laugh at the simple things
Just don’t wander to far, my dear friend
For I wish to find you once again

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My Last Goodbye

I dig your grave keeping the tears from entering my eyes
Deeper in the ground I go with shovel and pick
Knowing these are the last things I can ever do for you
I love you and don’t want you to go
So I dig as deep as I can unable to get very far
I'm trying to hurry and dig deep
But the ground is hard and the roots are around
I'm hurting inside and now out
In a frustration I’m hit in the head hard
Swearing blood will come forth
But I ignore the pain
Hold back from crying out and crying for you
I dig as far as I can before I hit rock bottom
Wrapping you up to keep the dirt from getting in your eyes
Hoping to preserve you before the insects get to you
I lay you facing the west towards the land of the dead
Covering you with dirt and watching you fade away
I gather rocks to cover your grave
To be sure the scavengers can’t dig up your body
Can’t pick at your bones
A pyramid I build above you
So you can be with those you deserve
A flower I place across the top
Leaning back I look at where you now reside
Where you will never walk away from
An oncomer would see a person
Muddy and tired, full of despair
Blood on their hands and blood flowing down the side of their face
I fight back from what I wish to do
From bringing you back and holding you
But I will not move you
You'll sleep now and forever in this place
And I will walk on and away
Live as long as I can
My love will forever belong to you
And memories will not be forgotten
So I fade away from the picture
And no longer wait

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Out Of Mind

People come and people go
Some giving brief glimpses of another life lived
A few tell their life story, letting it pour out as though their very existence depends on it
And others keeping it locked up as though by letting it out their world would come crashing down
Every once in awhile those who bottle it up feel it pushing and screaming to be let out
The emotion, the agony all kept put just out of reach
All of it getting closer and overflowing its boundaries
They try everything to keep it back, but soon it catches up to them
Just one little breather to let all of the excess out
Just one outburst to make everything better
Keep it quiet so you don't worry everyone
Don't let them know underneath things are in turmoil
Not showing what you put out of mind
What you want nobody to know

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I am mesmerized
I cannot move
Someone telling me it will be ok
Telling me to trust them
I feel complete bliss
I feel everything
I feel myself and every part of me
Soon I feel myself pulling away
I feel a pain
Stronger than I have ever felt
My body is pulling away
I feel my blood through my veins
Feel them being drained
My life slipping from me
My heart speeding and then suddenly slowing
I feel nothing
I feel death
Suddenly I feel my heart
I feel blood
I feel power flowing through them
New life, new rules
A hunger in them
That wasn’t there before
The pain is still here
But quickly going away
It is as if I am reborn
For I am in a sense
I died
And have now returned
Returned to do what you couldn’t do
Returned to finish what you couldn’t
I will be covered
I will watch
I will learn
Until the day I take over
What you no longer can

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Rise Again

Walk away into the dark
Think I care, oh think again
Never stopped, you never wanted
Anything more than I could give
Take my hand, hold it tight
We'll go away, go to a never never land
People watched and people stared
Not taking their eyes away
What a site, oh what a view to behold
Stop again and say goodbye
Becoming someone so new
Fall to the ground, fall to your knees
Kiss the monarch's feet
Let them pass, let them show no love
Suffering, oh suffering for them
Take a day to relax, take the time to reflect
See what has come, come and taken over
Plague is all around, death is all around
Walk away, into the dark
Think I care, think again
Rise from below, behold the new world set

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You were everything
The one everyone loved and wanted
I was the shadow
The one no one saw
The one nobody cared for
You left with blame
Blaming others for your problems
When you left, rivers were shed
Everybody missed you and ached for you
Only did after they wipe their eyes did they see me
Telling me of their love for you
Our worlds have changed
I rose out of my darkness
People began to see me
No longer just a shadow
But they never loved me as much as you
You left me stranded
Without a life line or means of comfort
I learned to deal
People were stuck with me because of you
Soon they saw me as a person
But never as they saw you
With your beautiful face
Beautiful smile,
Beautiful personality
I got over your being gone
But now they say you're coming back
Things have changed for us
Worlds are changing again
You have another with you
And we have no room
It doesn't matter
They always loved you
Always would have done anything for you
Push me out of the way to be with you
You hurt them and now offer an apology
Of course they love you
Of course they would do anything
You left in such a hurry
Causing such pain
Now you're coming back
And I will be nothing but a shadow again.

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I have never met you
Yet I feel as if I know you
We have talked
Yet I have never heard your voice
We have laughed together
But I have never heard you
I have felt little of what you have felt
I understand you in so many ways
Yet understand nothing about you
You are the best person I know
Yet I have never known you
I feel as if I love you<br> But know it’s only the thought of someone new
Someone great
Someone I can trust
Maybe someday I will meet you
Maybe someday I will hear your voice
Maybe someday I will feel you
Maybe someday I will understand the important parts of you
Maybe someday I will truly know you
Maybe someday I will love you
When that day comes
It will be the truest love I have ever felt
I only hope
That when that day comes
You will feel what I feel
Understand the important parts of me
And know me
As I know you

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Tears I Will Not Cry

Cutting herself again and again
Each time going deeper and understanding less
All she knows is the pain drowns her sorrows
Takes her mind away for a little while
Losing a mother when needed most
The pain that she went through as a child
And now living with a father she swears doesn’t really love her
So she cuts herself and yells back
As her way of recognition
All she wants is to be loved
To know he cares
For her mother to come back
Instead of suffering so
For a long time they were together after her mother died
But now he has a girlfriend and she thinks he doesn’t care
To her the world is falling in around
And nobody cares because everything is going against
So all that can be done is fight to the end
Prove she cannot be defeated
Maybe if her mother hadn’t left things wouldn't be this way
Things would be better and nothing wrong
I will not cry tears for her as she goes deeper
Not heeding to my asking her not to
Promising me she won’t, yet does
Supposedly there's nothing left to go on for
The boyfriend isn’t more important
The best friend, the future
Being out of the house in a few years
All she wants is recognition
Someone to hold her as she fights the world
Screams out against everything going against her
Someone to hold her as she cries fro all the wrongs that have been done
Innocence stolen at such an early age by one whom she thought she could trust
Yet found she couldn’t
Maybe this night won’t be the last
With such youth wasted
And now we wonder what this world is coming to
With a veil over our eyes so we cant see what’s worth living for
No motive to go on
But every motive to end it
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The Simple Things

Woke up this morning not knowing what was to come
Got up, got dressed
Mechanized routine on repeat
Went through the day as all others
Was closer to being meaningful than the day before
Chaos and peace at the same time
All leading to the ultimate thrill
All leading to the perfect solution
Took a different route home
Met one from my not-so-distant past
Change has showed her face again
A crush not forgotten,
But matured into something not what it once was
Memories we can share
But I could not give in
Not this time, not with this one
Beckoning me to come nearer
Giving me my competition
Able to handle the heat
Numb to the burn
Numb to the pain
Finally I ease up
Allow a little, but not to much
To be where I once dreamt to be
Feeling almost as I felt I would
You keep me close, keep trying to get closer
But each time you get borderline
I push you away again
It never seems to offend you, never bothers you
You make it a joke to show me you don’t take it personal
Show you wont go further
Even though you want to
Nothing seems to bother you
The people watching,
The people knowing
For the rest of the night you keep close,
Constantly getting me closer
Each time you do a simple thing,
Something you don’t even know you do
Each time you show me more of who you really are,
I slowly let you closer
Constantly showing me affection
The simple things
Not being cruel in any way
I could tell you want more than what you're getting,
But you don’t force
We move on to the next room
Keeping me in your arms, but not holding me back when I leave
Instead you come join me
When I show it's ok with me
Treating me almost as though there is none other in the room
Bugs Bunny kisses and first time clashes
Who would have known the children we once were,
The crush once felt,
Would lead to where we are now?
I don’t even think you remember my simple childish crush,
Let alone knew of it
Playing hard to get is apparently what I’m best at
And by the look of it, you were up to it
Welcoming more, accepting the challenge
The flood of memories,
Still not grasping what is happening
Your simple words,
The simple looks and actions
Each making me wonder, if I can tell you "no" in the future
Not tonight for I will wait,
But if each night with you is as it is now
If you show no other face, show this is you
Eventually I will be unable to tell you no
Leaving you finally, you go ahead,
But wait when I fall behind, catch me before I can fall
Keep me close, with a strange gratitude shown
Not asking, just knowing
Hoping to meet again before our worlds shift again
Maybe you will come for me
I don’t expect you to since you're so far away
Maybe this will just become another memory
Another thing to remember you by
Something so wonderful, yet so simple

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To Late

We're so selfish when something dies
We regret not seeing or doing more
Thinking about how we should have paid more attention
Not thinking of their last moments
Only thinking that if only we'd done something it would be ok
We mourn for awhile
Shed tears of loss
But soon your tears stop falling
Realizing they wont bring the lost back
Things go back as they were before
All those times you weren’t there when you should have been
Don’t matter anymore
It’s to late to say you’re sorry and make it count
It’s to late for you to comfort yourself
To late to make up for your selfishness
And now you wonder about you "should have been there’s"
So go on with your life as before
It will all be nothing but a faded memory soon
And it will only hurt when you realize you weren’t there
When you realize you didn’t care when they were alive
So why do you care now?
Why does it become important to you when there is no way to make it up?
Because you could have made a difference,
Could have said those things that lay deep in your heart.

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I knew you still loved her
That much you told me
I knew she was having your baby
That she left you
And not you her
At least you were honest about that much

You told me your problems
And I would have done anything to help
I believed you cared about me
Especially when you told me you did

Maybe you did
Maybe you cared for us both
I may never know

All I know is what she told me
About the breaking up
About the "I'm sorry"
About the getting back together

Maybe she’s right
Maybe you are back together
She said it with such sincerity
Such truth and certainty

I remember now the times when you said you'd call
But never did
The nights I couldn’t find you
When you went to a friend's house and then her brother's

In a way you hinted it to me
Letting me know he was her brother
Even then I'd wondered if she'd been there

Instead of seeing me as planned
You saw her
The day I called and asked what you did that day
How you had such a guilty conscience

You told me you still loved her
I knew that was to be expected
Considering she was the only one you've ever loved
The fact you have such a past together
The existence of a child you share

I knew from the beginning I wouldn't be able to keep you
But over time I thought it changed
You always said you weren't together anymore
You had a child together
But that was it

The only reason I proceeded with you
Is because of what you said
When you told me how you felt
When you asked me to be yours
The way you assured me

Others knew we were together
But none bothered to say anything
Not to me anyway

Maybe she's wrong
Maybe you aren't back together
She's just doing it out of spite
Revenge for losing her baby's father for herself
Regret for ever letting you go
Finding another now in her place
Another in your embrace

You told me you were over
You're a straight-up type of person
You would have told me
Told me to spare my feelings

Wouldn’t have told others
But kept us quiet
They would have told me
Let me know what's going on

You say every word so honestly
You told me the truth
Told me of your love not yet forgotten
You told me that we were together
Told me you two were over

Another problem has risen for you
This time it deals more directly with me than before
This one I will not be able to fight off for you
This one is personal

I need the truth
Maybe she's right
Maybe she's wrong
I won’t know until I've talked to you
Until I've confronted you

If you say she's wrong
I must hear it from her lips too
Hear her say she lied

That she did it out of spite
For revenge because she lost her baby's father for herself
For regret because she ever let you go

If I don’t hear it from her lips
I won’t know for sure
I'll always wonder

But if you tell me the truth
Tell me you are back together
I'll understand

You have every reason to want to be with her
I won't be angry
The only reason I'd be angry is if you continuously lied
If I didn’t hear it from her lips

If I found you hid it from me
Asking me to care, to surrender my heart
While I believed you weren't together
But in fact you were

All I want is the truth
Thing's not hidden but put out in the open
For the truth to be plainly known for all

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Twisted Tale

There once was a spider
who lived in a tree
it spun a web
that was as big
as can be
a little girl
who was walking one day
got caught in the web
and is there to stay
the spider soon asked her
if she would like to play
she said
maybe another day
maybe another time
but for sure
never a day
with you

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Utterly Alone

Sometimes the only thing you can do to keep yourself from crying is smiling
Put on a mask so nobody can see the truth
See how much pain you're feeling
How hard you're trying to keep from losing everything on the outside
Just wearing a mask is all you can do, if barely even that
Nobody will know what pain you're feeling
How grave your world really is
Things were good for awhile
But only for a little while
Seems every time something good happens in one part of your life,
The rest falls apart
And as soon as the coast looks clear for both
Everything falls again, leaving you utterly alone

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Who Would Have Known?

Whatever happened?
Things were never like this
We changed,
We grew into something never dreamt of
Who would have known
This is how our story would end?
Running together
Not a care in the world
Fighting against the world to save each other
Screaming out against all the wrong done
Moving through life as one
Who would have known
This is what would happen?
They came one day and tore us apart
Secrets kept now became known
Attempts to take it all
So no other would suffer
From then on things were never the same
We changed
We grew into something never dreamt of
Who would have known this is how our story would end?
Our paths soon went in opposite directions
Never speaking,
Never seeing,
Never acknowledging the other
Go on living our lives
Go on day to day
Always trying to forget the truth
Never wishing to remember
Our worlds are spinning out of proportion
And nothing will ever be the same

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A Time To Come

Early in the morning she looks outside
Looks for something, but unaware of what
Wondering if this his how life was seen by Bonnie and Clyde
Forgetting all the people’s lives they cut

Get through the day which is usually the same
Wake up, walk out, wish for more
Like the poor dog lying lame
Wanting to get up and go through the closed door

Always telling her the rules and to abide
Never letting freedom come, always saying tut-tut
Afraid of her not being preoccupied
Constantly keeping her stuck in a rut

For now she sits and patiently
Knowing that this will soon come to an end
No need to worry about things coming to late
For there is nothing left to mend.

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Life and Death

Bright, noisy
Living, breathing, smiling
Laughing, moving, crying, leaving
Remembering, exhaling, frowning
Dark, quiet

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The Feeling of Fear and Bravery

Small, insignificant
Cowering, crouching, dieing
Perspiring, landing, inspiring, flying
Boasting, standing, living
Big, important

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It’s gone past caring
Beyond love and beyond hate
There may have once been something
But it is no longer a subject of debate

For you I feel nothing at all
Not even remorse
So, don't even bother trying to call
Especially since this is the end of the chorus

No longer do you cause boredom
No longer do I feel joy
You tried to take my freedom
And treat me like a toy

Everything that once caused me to feel emotion
Whether extravagant or constricting
Have now the same effect of a nun
Because now I feel nothing

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The Long Trip

The scenery goes by
On this long trip of mine
Trees pass along like a bird trying to fly

The sun rises and the sun sets
And with every new place,
there’s a new set.

The people come and the people go
Traveling to another destination
While watching each city grow
And show another illumination.

Some of the places we pass
Are overgrown with grass
Long ago abandoned and forgotten

Other places are new
Bright and shiny as tin
Held together by the strongest of glue

They all eventually fade,
And we’re left in deserted territory
Where and old spade is laid
Like a child with a story
About some long ago promenade

But we continue our journey
Ignoring all we have passed
Watching as all continuously
Fade into dust.

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A Night Like Many Others

He’s had a hard life,
Although he’s young as you can see
And already he’s carrying a knife
With that I have to agree.

Tonight he’s playing on another’s guitar
Laughing silently at all other’s mistakes
Just hoping he won’t get a scar
While putting all attention
Rather on what his fingers will make.

His friends are idiots in all that they do
So, he gets up from where he sits
Just to dodge a shoe.

Tonight he goes home
Sober but bored,
Just thankful for not tripping over the gnome
Like some drunken lord His parents ask him where he’s been
Afraid he’s committed the worst of sin.

Not tonight, not tomorrow
Just tired from life
But not full of sorrow

He kicks off his shoes
Tired as the dead
Just wanting his bed
Forgetting everything said.

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Change is constantly around.
She comes while you sleep,
But leaves you spellbound
Constantly plunging deep.

One day she’s your friend,
Keeping things slow and simple
Vowing this isn’t the end,
Smiling with a dimple.

The next day she’s pushing and pulling,
Like a frustrated child
Who everyone is constantly spoiling
Until you tell them not to be so wild.

She grabs you and nags you,
Screaming and yelling in such a way
Not accepting anything you do,
Making one wonder
Why they should stay.

Then once she’s driven you crazy
To where you’ve lost all of your hair,
Putting you in such a hazy
Going past any other would ever dare
She returns with a flower.

Promising everything will be all right
With the knowledge that you will soon adapt.
That the sun will soon be bright,
And you are forever trapped.

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Wild Debbie Lou

There once was a child called Debbie Lou.
She was a sight,
This Debbie Lou.

Constantly looking for a fight,
No one could love her,
No one could hold her
For she was Debbie Lou.
Everyone always said,
“Look, it’s wild Debbie Lou.”

Now everyone all thought
Her heart could never be bought,
But, my friends, this wasn’t true.
On her wedding day everyone said,
“Look at wild Debbie Lou.”

For a time she was happy,
But then everything became to sappy
And she packed her bags
Only leaving towel rags.
While those who saw her said,
“Look at wild Debbie Lou.”

Debbie Lou ran so fast
Trying to forget her entire past.
But to this day
People continue to say,
“Look at wild Debbie Lou.”

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Estate Sale

Walk into the room
See the dust covered broom.
Look in the kitchen,
With the dishes piled high.
Telling this person was in no position
To clean without being shy.

The bed says the person was alone
Only one side used,
Never letting it be known
Never caring to lose.

The den says the person was an artist.
The smell of paint strong,
Pictures of smiles in a cyst.
Sculptures of things that seem to have gone wrong,
Things painted in dark midnight colors,
Hiding from all others.

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