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~ Death ~
~ I'll Be There ~ ~ At The End~
~ Hope is a thing.... ~

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Death is sometimes evil and plotted very well.
It is someone telling you don’t deserve to live.
It is sometimes hard to deal with it but sometimes suffering is needed
So I lay here and think how my life would be if I was subsided with death

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I'll Be There

My heart is yours no matter what.
I will love you with all the strength of my heart.
You take me high as a clouded sky and to the tallest mountain high.
Night and day while the heaven angels sing, I look out my window lost in a trance thinking of our first dance
Which lead to our first kiss oh how I miss our sweet bliss.
Then I look at the telephone and hope for it to ring because I love you.
I think of your sweet voice soothing my tattered soul.
At times I am so lost and when you look at me I lose all control.
Over thrashing seas and the hottest dessert, and the rainforest beats.
I would race time just to be with you and if only knew what would happen
If I lost you I would die a thousand deaths, for you time after time
If you only knew...If you only knew that I will be there for you.

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At The End

He was so old his bones seemed to swim in his skin.
And when I took his hand to feel his pulse
I felt myself drawn in. It was as faint
As the steps of a child
Padding across the floor in slippers,
And yet he was smiling.
I could almost hear a river
Running beneath his breath.
The water clear and cold and deep.
He was ready and willing to wade on in.
The war had turned inward until it resembled
Suicide. The only soothing thing was water.
I passed the sentries, followed the surf out of sight.
I would sink into the elements, become simple.

Surf sounds like erasure, over and over.
I lay down and let go, the way you trust an animal.
When I opened my eyes, all down the strand
Small crabs, the bright yellow of a crayon,

Had come out onto the sand. Their numbers, scattered,
Resembled the galactic spill and volume of the stars.
I, who had lain down alone, emptied,
Waked at the center of ten thousand prayers.

Who would refuse such attention. I let it sweeten me
Back into the universe. I was alive, in the midst
Of great loving, which is all I've ever wanted.
The soldiers of both sides probably wanted just this.

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Hope is a thing....

Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I've heard it in the chilliest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.

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