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~ Lifeless Love ~
~ Pills 1-11 ~
~ To A Tree ~
~ Revelations ~
~ No One Gives A... ~
~ 00:00:30 ~
~ You Lied ~

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Lifeless love

Lifeless love of mine I miss you so, but you will never know. My Heart misses you so, No one could every see the love I still have for Thee

Lifeless love, that cold night in February you left me alone. Lifeless Love, giver of black roses. Still alone I wait for your return

Lifeless love, the prophecy is true. I thought it was me to give my life. I was going to tell you that I saw it the end of the world of night.

Lifeless love, I was right. It did happen, the stole you from me that Cold night.

Lifeless love you left me here with whom I despise. I will wait for you Right here on this hill

Lifeless love, give of black red and pink roses I still love you and I Love no other. I wait for you my lifeless love

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Pills 1-11

Pill one, pill two to stop the pain. I want to tell you
Pill three, pill four. Now I know for sure this is my world that I love.
Pill five, pill six. My friend confronts me.
Pill seven, pill eight I have now sealed my fate.
Pill nine, pill ten I swear I'll never do it again
Pill eleven, now I'm up in heaven

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To A Tree

Wrap me in a blanket
Bind me to a tree.
They can do what they wish
Yet you are still there holding me.
The world goes round.
They can do what they wish
But I only here one sound
Still your I love you

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In the upstairs hallway there are two doors, one holds childhoods youth, the other holds modern despair.
Both have White doors
Identical doors To different worlds
One holds bliss One holds pain

Two different worlds, one same girl be careful! don't go in there!

You can't tell From the outside
What lies on The inside
A world of hate A world of love
Euphoria Torment

Once you enter you can't go back. The door slams closed for good, locking you inside. You can never go back. You can never return.

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No One Gives A...

What I see is what I felt
A white dress six inch heels to stand tall
But if I am standing there alone I am standing for nothing at all.
Once again thrown in to the shadows an accomplishment I have made
And all there is to do is stand and smile even thought all of the happiness is a lie.
No one knows I am thinking to myself that bright flashed camera must die.
Tears will come as all the goes come to an end as we lose friends
Now one of the group but standing all alone I am inducted to them.
All the clapping in a candle light world of dark.
What I see is what I felt.
My happy night brings nothing but pain because no one really cares.

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30 seconds left of this world. Till the death what do I say what do I think?
30 seconds that is not enough time.
30 seconds is all I have to think.
30 seconds still not enough. I have so much to say so much to do.
Is this gonna hurt?
30 seconds to make up my mind about if I cared
30 seconds to wonder what every one will think once I am gone.
30 all wasted on what I could say.
30 seconds to think how this is all your fault
30 seconds to blame all my sins on someone else.
30 seconds to remember as I bleed out you did this
30 seconds to remember all I said I said in vain
I love you

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You lied

You lied with a smile and told it was great
You willing said yes and I was in bliss you told it
Was the greatest idea, you told everything plain and clear.
But then I when to reassure to make sure it was all just right
Then is when you started to put up a fight.
You lied to me just to make me happy.
Don’t you know I really did not care?
The only reason I cry is because I died when you lied

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