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Poetry Inc::Poetry@Work, Specialty Produce & Feng-Shui:: Feng-Shui Poetry For Corporate America & Individual Employees!

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Poetry Inc, Poetry@Work is the new literary, consulting and marketing firm designed to help restore faith in corporate America. It takes a proactive approach to the workplace in that it helps facilitate a constructive dialogue between employers and employees. At the same time, it helps promote creativity and is a catalyst for change and increased productivity. If you want us to provide you with Feng-Shui advice to maximize your success, we can do it too.

A company whose employees have high morale become more productive. Employees who feel comfortable about their firm's corporate ethics and responsibility can outweigh the benefits of any marketing campaign. It's obvious that your firms have its motto and mission. Employees can always find them posted on the walls of the building. What's more important is to build within the hearts of these employees. Build the visible as well as the invisible. Create an environment where your employees can communicate and express themselves in a way that promotes development, positive relations, motivation and leadership.

This is where Poetry Inc, Poetry@Work comes in to help facilitate this work. Poet Charles can help your companies reach the hearts and minds of your employees through his workshops and poetry presentations. He knows how to work poetry into his consulting work and corporate business ethics. More than anything, your employees will feel that some measure of respect was given to them. With the introduction of the poetry program workshop, you will talk to their head. Visit Featured Poetry to read a sample of the available works. When it comes to the variety of poems you can expect to find in our workshops, poetry readings and presentations, Poetry Sampler can give you a much better idea. Also, check Poet Post Page.

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Retain The Professional Services Of This Business Writer and Poet For Any Major Occasions!

Mother's Day, Father's Day, 4th of July, Thanksgiving Day, Veteran's Day or any national, patriotic and religious holiday etc. Just think of it and contact us right here.

We can write a poem for you to send out to your loved one, your spouse, your boss and co-worker. Remain anonymous in the whole thing. Order your poem right now. Use to request it. Special occasions can be very meaningful for all of you. Wish somebody good luck with a well-crafted poem.

Many of our customers order and request poems for graduation, wedding, business ceremonies, communion, baptism, first communion, purchase of a new boat and home, job promotion etc. Just think of a special occasion such as your marriage anniversary that happens every year. We even write for funerals. How would you like your deceased's buddies and other relatives to find out about the death? Most of them will check the local paper's obituary section. If you want to remember somebody who was dear to you, you may want to let a professional writer take care of this for you once for all.

Inquiry about this poet's availability for presentations and readings, contact us below

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