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On Her Wedding Day

As they stand beside her, waiting
 For the wedding march to start,
They find a lot of memories
Stirring in their hearts. 

They loved her from the moment
She opened her eyes
And viewed the world around her
With wonder and surprise.

They marveled at how fast she grew,
How quickly she could walk,
And gloated when she said their
Names as soon as she could talk.

They watch her a toddler,
Independent as could be,
Yet always willing to be hugged
Or help upon their knee.

They suffered through the days
When she was old enough to date,
And worried themselves crazy
Each time she stayed out late.

But most of all they tried to be
Her comforter and guide,
And any time she needed them
They'd be there by her side.

And that's just where they are today
Prepared to do their part,
And give her hand in marriage
To the man who won her heart.

And though they'll miss her sorely
She'll make a lovely wife,
And they'll still have their memories
To treasure all their life.

The organ plays the wedding march,
She flashes them a smile,
And gives their arm a little squeeze
As they walk her down the aisle.

And as they start their new life
On this special day, they pray
That God will bless their marriage
As they make him center of each day.

Author Unknown to me

Yesterday we dreamed of what might be;
Today we validate our love;
And tomorrow 
we will cherish the life we have shared as one. 

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