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Ladies of darkness,
Children of light,
Where do they come from,
Out of the night?

How do they get here?
Why pick this spot?
What do they know
That we know not?

It seems in one morning,
Their small village has grown,
Teasing scents from their fires,
Let their presence be known.

Their tormenting smells,
Permeate our air,
Like the Pied Piper,
They lure us there.

Full-skirted, bold ladies,
With red rouge on their lips,
Smile broadly and wink,
While swaying their hips.

Raven-haired beauties,
Gold rings in their ears,
A tilt to their chins,
Defiant and dear.

Our men fall in love with them,
Our ladies turn green,
Our children in awe of them,
Those Gypsy colleens.

Their men are protective,
They laugh coarsely; they're strong,
They are proud of their women,
They might kill if one's wronged.

In such fascination,
The ladies are held,
Each person from town,
Is under their spell.

Just as they arrived,
They leave the same way,
They depart in the night,
They are gone the next day.

Are they laughing at us,
When they tempt us and tease?
They all know full well,
We are trapped and can't leave.

Virginia (Ginny) Ellis


See Ginny's beautiful site and
Read more of her wonderful poetry here:

Ginny's World of Poetry

My Heartfelt Thanks to Ginny!




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The beautiful painting is by Augusta Asberry