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Fab Movies. A Journal of Popular DVD's.
Tuesday, 12 September 2006
The Lake House
The Lake House is a truely captivating piece of cinema.This film illustrates two individuals journeys, in discovering each other.This takes place mainly though the mediam of letter writing.But this correspondence is sent and recieved in a less than conventional way.Via a very unusual letterbox.They are both living at the same holiday house,but in different years.They have found a way of communicating through the time barrier.This involves a time gap of round two years.So, this is not always an easy storyline to follow,because of the depth and the complexities of the unfolding plot.But it is worth viewing,and won't put you to sleep.Hardly!What an interesting mix it is,sciencefiction and romance.I'm not sure it has ever been attempted before, but it does work.At least in this example.Guys, dont be put of seeing this at the cinema because it is classed as a romantic film.It is just as appealing to male movie goers as the female variety.It contains theams that will speak to vercially everyone and anyone.Many flicks have touched the hearts and lives of the movie going public though out the era of the cinema. Some examples being Forrest Gump, and Pay it forward.The Lake House is another good example.

Posted by poetry/fantail22_10 at 12:46 PM
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