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I wander the avenue of desolation
among these willows I stray alone
Solitary is my middle name
as I begin this journey on my own...


Personal info:

My real name is Eva-Lena but I used to be known as Lady Eve in the
chatrooms and that is the reason why I named my site "Lady Eveline's
artistic attic". I am born on the 28th of May 1969.


I live in a town located
between Stockholm and Gothenburg in Sweden. Sweden is located in the north of
Europe, between Norway and Finland. We have four seasons and none of
them are like the others. Very cold and snowy winters; cold refreshing springs;
warm, hot summers and dark and rainy autumns. The temperature varies from
-30C to 30C (-22F to 86F).

Education and work:

First I went nine years in primary school. Then I worked till I went back to
school in 1987. I studied a program at the senior high school for two years and
then I worked for a while and gave birth to my son. In 1996 I decided to improve
my certificates so I restudied all the subjects in senior high school. I graduated in
1997 with a great result. In autumn 1998 I began an education to become a pre
school teacher and I had my exam in June 2001. The subjects I have been studying
during these years are art, music, psychology, English, Swedish, civics, history of
literature, computer science, history, drama, handicraft instruction, pedagogics,
natural science, social and economical geography, maths, physics, chemistry and
sports among others. Today I work as a pre school teacher full time with a lovely
group of 18 children. I am specialized in art but believe I do my greatest work when
it comes to teaching the children ethics and moral, simply how to be a great friend
who respects others and treat them well.

Interests and hobbies:

I have many interests and hobbies such as music, art, history and archaeology but
I only have time to practise a few. I love to create and started to write poems in
English in 1999. In 2001 a publisher found me on the web and I am nowadays a
published poetess. I consider my writing more of a lifestyle than a hobby really.
I try to write at least 3-4 poems a week but of course it depends on how inspired
I am. I started to write a novel in Swedish in 1987 called The Legend. I hope to
finish it one day, otherwise I will start to write a brand new novel. I am also very
interested in painting and drawing, an interest I have carried on to my son. I like
to draw with a carbon pen or paint with oil paint. My favorite painters are the
pre-Raphaelits such as Waterhouse and Bouguereau but I am also very fond of
Rembrandt's paintings. When it comes to music I am very weak for classicals. I
prefer to listen to Bach, Beethoven and Chopin but there are many other great
ones as well. I also like other genres such as pop, rock, traditional and hymns.

This and that:

Favorite quote: "Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking
together in the same direction" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.


Favorite composition: J.S Bach's Jesu joy of man's desiring and Air on a G
string, Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, Mozart's Lacrimosa from Requiem,
Vivaldi's Presto from Summer, Samuel Barber's Adagio for Strings etc.


Favorite movie: Amadeus, The Sixth Sense, The Shining, The English patient etc.


Favorite actors: Anthony Hopkins and Emma Thompson. They are always excellent
and especially in the movie "The remains of the day".


Favorite author/poet: I have always liked Stephen King's earlier works such as
The Shining, The Pet cematary, Misery and Gerald's game. My favorite poet in
English is Robert Frost. His poem "The road not taken" is a masterpiece to me
and the last verse the best I have ever read:

"I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference."

The Swedish poets I like the most are Edith Södergran, Karin Boye and Nils Ferlin,
all dead since many years ago.


The wind never stopped playing
among the shivering leaves within you
It only stood still and hesitated
and then began to play anew...
