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An angel speaks

Once upon a time there was a child
ready to be born. So one day he had
this conversation with God:

Child: They tell me, You are sending
me to Earth tomorrow, but how am I
going to live there being so small
and helpless?

GOD: Among the many angels, I chose
one for you. She will be waiting for
you and will take care of you.

Child: But tell me, here in heaven,
I don't do anything else but sing
and smile, that's enough for me to
be happy.

GOD: Your angel will sing for you
and will also smile for you every
day. And you will feel your angel's
love and be happy.

Child: How am I going to be able to
understand when people talk to me,
if I don't know the language that
men talk?

GOD: Your angel will tell you the
most beautiful and sweet words you
will ever hear, and with much patience
and care, your angel will teach you
how to speak.

Child: And what am I going to do
when I want to talk to you?

GOD: Your angel will place your
hands together and teach you how
to pray.

Child: I've heard that on earth
there are bad men. Who will
protect me?

GOD: Your angel will defend you
even if it means risking her life.

Child: But will I always be sad
because I will not see you anymore?

GOD: Your angel will always talk
to you about me and teach you the
way for you to come back to me,
even though I will always be next
to you.

At that moment there was much peace
in heaven, but voices from earth
could already be heard, and the
child, in a hurry, asked softly:
Oh God, if I am about to leave now,
please, tell me my angel's name.

GOD: Your angel's name is of no
importance. You will simply call her

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