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Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Disclaimer: I don’t own Buffy;. I just borrowed some of the characters.
Rated: NC-17
Willow's long divider
Ulterior Motives
Chapter 15

Betaed by Skippyscatt


Xander tried to hide what he was doing and succeeded fairly well. Spike knew he was up to something but he also knew it was supposed to be a surprise for him. He had narrowed his eyes at Xander and announced, “Ok, pet. Remember wot I said.” Xander had told him he remembered.

Xander worked hard, he was used to working on the site for eight to ten hours a day, more with overtime. He started with the stairs down to the gardens. They were old and needed work. He wasn’t a welder but he could bolt the replacements together. After the stairs were replaced he started on the walkways.

Most of them were very well done, but some of them were a bit rickety. He pulled up all the access panels and examined everything under them. After he finished checking the construction and approving most of it, he sat down and started a ‘to-do’ list.

It was annoying that Spike absolutely refused to let him go down to the lower levels until he’d made sure that Xander had help. But Xander had to admit that what he was doing was dangerous, especially replacing the stairs.

This day was especially annoying as there was no one to help him until after noon. Xander told Spike the truth, he was going to go down to the garden level and enjoy it. He was also going to explore a bit.


Xander went out to his truck and opened one of the tool chests. He rummaged for a moment then found what he was looking for, his good nine-cell flashlight. He didn’t intend to go exploring in the nether regions of this place without it.

He went back through the main hall, past Spike’s office and into his own. He got a tablet and pencil, sticking them in a thigh pocket of his cargo pants, he told Timmins exactly where he was going to be, more or less. Timmins glanced up from his baking and nodded his understanding.

Xander clomped down the new stairs to the first landing and opened the door. He knew this level was unused as he’d poked around a little when they’d put in the staircase. Now he was going to take the time to explore thoroughly, alone.

He was going alone because every demon and vampire in the place seemed to think he was completely helpless and he was getting sick of it. He was going to have a talk with Master Bruce about working on his next level soon. Right now he was only interested in one thing. Snooping around.

He had to admit that he liked it, snooping. He opened doors, boxes, and trunks just to see what was in them. He’d found good things and some really freaky things. He should have been put off long ago but he wasn’t.

Xander opened the door and stepped into the musty dark, turned on the flashlight and started snooping.

The first thing he looked for was light switches. There should be some somewhere near the door. Or at least you would think so. Then he realized that the switches were probably at the other end of the hall. He sighed and headed in that direction.

The hall wasn’t very long so I didn’t take Xander long to reach the other end. He tried the light switches and was glad to find that they worked. He wondered at the stupidity of constructing a floor that had switches on the opposite end of a main hall from the entry point. After a little grumbling he realized that this end of the hall was probably meant to be the main entry. He decided to explore farther before he condemned the architect to the ranks of the terminally dumb.

He opened the door and carefully climbed the stairs to the upper level. He came out in the back of what turned out to be a 1920's full service gas station. He nearly drooled. One of the main features of the station was a floor to ceiling, curved glass block wall.

One end of the wall was anchored to the front windows, which were boarded up, the other was free, creating the alcove that sheltered the front door. The ceiling was a skylight.

Xander walked around envisioning the sunny room he was going to create out of the filling station. He could put in an orchardarium with a fountain and seating. He nearly squealed with delight but he was too manly. He had to laugh at himself. Damn it, he was High Master Spike’s thrall and he’d squeal if he wanted to. So he did, doing a Snoopy dance just because he could.

He spent an hour looking around then headed back for the stairs. As he walked, he heard a strange scratching noise from one of the side rooms. He decided to check it out, if there were rats, he’d send some of the minions to catch them. Spike hated rats and would have a fit if he saw one in their home.

Xander opened the door and sighed. “Fuck! Just what I need right now. Glowing, ball of light, bug hive thingy. Shit!”

Xander eyed the ball of light with an expression of mingled disgust and annoyance. He walked around it carefully. He didn’t touch it but he did step on every bug he could. After his walk around he knew enough to just step right on the orb and crush it. He wasn’t sure where it had come from but he knew that it was a simple portal that was controlled by a small glass orb ‘target’, crushing the glass was all that he needed to do to close the gate. He fished around in his tool belt until he found the can of roach spray he always carried. A quick spray proved that it worked so he sprayed it liberally, killing all the bugs in the room.

He checked the walls and splash guards around the edges of the room for escapees. There were none so he holstered his ‘weapon’ and went in search of Spike.


Spike was settled at his desk and frowning at a parchment when Xander walked in.

“Hey, what is that? Is it something for me?”

Spike handed the parchment to Xander who glanced at it and shook his head. “Not a chance. I don’t do ‘dark arts’. Whoever sent this is messing with some powerfully bad mojo. Send it back.”

Spike smirked his satisfaction at Xander. “Good boy. I’ll just nip that back to sender with a polite no.”

Xander snorted. “Don’t think I don’t recognize the G-man’s hand writing. I’ll send him a note. I’m not caving. If they can’t get in touch with me first, they’re not the friends I thought they were. Stick me with you, not that I mind, then don’t even think of all the nasty things you could be ordering me to do. I could be a sex slave in a demon whore house for all they really know.” Xander started pacing, waving his arms. Spike caught him before he got up a head of steam.

“Easy, pet. I’m on your side. You go write your letter to the Wanker and bring it back to me. I’ll make sure that he gets it. Scoot now.”

So, in all the excitement, Xander forgot about the glowing orb and the scarab beetles. Instead he turned his mind to writing Giles his refusal, in cuneiform and hieratic, just to stab home his point.


When he returned with the missive, Xander had to smile. Spike was sitting behind his desk wearing his glasses. He looked serious and handsome. Xander thought he looked more like an up and coming junior executive than a Master Vampire and the master of the Hellmouth.

“Here’s the note. You wanna read it go ahead.” Xander smirked.

Spike glanced at the note and snickered. “I’ll have you know that I can read hieratic ... with a lot of study. The cuneiform is beyond my skills. Here. You might like to read mine.”

Xander accepted the note, written in Latin and Greek. “Don’t do Latin. The letters crawl around too much. The Greek I can do. Give me a sec.”

Spike watched in amazement as Xander glanced over the Greek easily, frowned at the Latin but managed fairly well.

“You’ve really given him an ass reaming. Serves him right. I can’t help but think that he could have paid more attention to me. I don’t deserve it but ... I’m supposed to be a Scooby. He should have ... I’m not exactly sure what. But he could at least have looked at that spell before it was too late.”

Spike gathered Xander into his arms and shushed him. “Listen, pet. You do deserve it. You deserve to be treated with respect. You’re bloody brilliant. You read all three ancient Egyptian writings, cuneiform, several demon languages, Latin, Greek. What else?” Spike didn’t wait for an answer. “You’re smart, just not ... well educated. American educational system being what it is, I’m not surprised. So shut that.” Xander unashamedly cuddled with Spike for a moment then pulled away.

“Ok. So .... you know that Giles is going to have a thing if someone doesn’t translate that mess. Let me give it another quick look. I really want to see what it’s for. We might just want to keep it. Ya know?”

Spike thought for a moment as he pulled the text from its protective over sleeve. “Not thought of that. What if it’s some kind of spell to ... turn me into a shrimp or a bat or summat?”

Xander suddenly looked more like a vampire in a temper than anything else. “Not on my watch, they’re not. Now let me take a look.”

Xander held out his hand and Spike just handed the smelly thing over without comment. Xander settled at the edge of Spike’s desk and pulled a handy legal pad close. He wrote quickly, in shorthand, then handed the parchment and pad back to Spike.

“It’s a spell to find a locus. What’s a locus?”

“It’s a place that’s the focus of magic of some sort or other. In this case dark magics. Take dark to find dark. How easy is it going to be for the watcher and his little gang to translate that.”

Xander pulled at his lower lip for a moment. “Well ... Willow might manage with help from the net. Giles can for sure, but it’ll take him quite a while. He’ll have to use reference books.” Xander gave Spike a self-satisfied smirk. “Books that I’ve memorized. Give him three weeks and he’ll have a rough draft.” Xander got up. “Look, I’ve got a three day session with Master Bruce and ... “ Xander looked at Spike from under his bangs.

“Oi, out with it. What?” Spike gave Xander an exasperated and affectionate look that made Xander feel warm below the belt.

“Ok. I was exploring because I didn’t have any help. I don’t want my butt blistered for doing construction work without help. So, I found an old filling station. It’s got one of those great retro glass block walls, a sky light and the register counter is a great display case. I thought I could turn it into a small orchardarium and use the case to house African violets. The back room is nice too. Little office I could use as a garden office. And the bays are still functional. We do need a new hydraulic cylinder but that’s easy to come by. And I really want a place to work on my truck. I don’t trust Arnold to really do it right. And did I mention that my truck smells funny?”

Spike snorted. “If you want it, I’ll get it for you. You do up a plan and we’ll see what’s what. An’ if ya wanna work on your own truck, I’ll have one of the bays fixed up for you. You don’t work on that truck alone either. Don’t want the lift fallin’ on ya. Hear?”

Xander nodded. “I hear. You’re right. Now.” Xander glanced at his watch. “I’ll be in time for Master Bruce if I leave now. Bye.” Xander gave Spike an unexpected peck on the cheek as he walked by.

Spike smiled at that and returned to his desk to see to the mailing of the parchment, but not the translations. He chuckled as he tucked them into a file and put the file in his file drawer.


Giles read the cover letter with a sour expression. Spike was rubbing his nose in the fact that the translator belonged to him and he was enforcing the beings’ refusal to translate the parchment. In fact the being had sent a list of things that he wouldn’t touch. It included anything on human skin or sentient demon skin, anything moldy or rotten and especially anything pertaining to dark arts. Giles sighed. That included almost all of the things he couldn’t easily translate himself. Although, he didn’t blame the being for not wanting to mess around with that. His experience with Eygon had taught him a lesson long ago.

Buffy wandered in and flopped onto a chair. “Well that was a real water haul. There’s not a thing stirring. I swear, I really want to meet the new master. If he’s got the Hellmouth this much under his thumb, I really have a chance to graduate college in four years. So ... do we go see him to get that translator guy to do his job or what?”

Giles rubbed his forehead irritably. “Have you called Xander? Please tell me you have.”

Buffy looked guilty. “No, I ... got sidetracked. I’ll call him tomorrow.”

Giles slammed the book he was looking at down with a resounding thwack. “You’ll call him immediately. I’ve been after you for the last week to call. And Willow as well. I don’t understand what the matter is. I removed the protection part of the spell. I know I did. But none of you even try to call him.”

Buffy gave Giles an indignant look then snapped, “Oh, and I suppose, Mr. Grumpy pants, that you’ve just been burning up the wires, chattering away.”

Giles froze, an arrested expression on his face. “No, I haven’t. Very well. I’ll be the one to break the ice. Although, I have to say that I think it should be one of you but here goes.”

Giles picked up the phone and called the number Spike had given him.

He didn’t have long to wait. The phone only rang twice.

“Alexander Harris’s office. How may I help you?”

“Giles here. May I speak to Xander please?” Giles struggled to control his surprise, Xander had a secretary? He was successful but only barely.

“He’s in training right now. That’s the only reason I’m answering the phone. He prefers to get verbal messages from the answering machine. So if you call and get the machine it’s not that unusual. I’ll see if I can get him to the phone, unless you’d rather he called you back.”

Giles bit at his lip then decided. “I’ll wait.”

It didn’t take long for Giles to hear Xander’s voice. “I’ll take it at my desk. Thanks, Syl.”

There was a scuffling noise then Xander said, “Giles. Hello.” and waited.

“Mr. Giles. How are you?”

“Um ... I’m fine. Your secretary said you were training?”

Xander shuffled some papers. “Yes, I’m taking my final training with a bokken. Master Bruce says I’m ready for the real thing. He’s starting me on a tachi tomorrow.”

“Oh, well, Xander. Don’t you think that’s a bit dangerous? I mean. You might hurt yourself.”

Xander made a rude noise. “I won’t hurt myself, or if I do, I deserve it because I got careless. And Spike will beat my ass for it. Now ... what was it you wanted? Because if all you’re going to do is insult me and my Sensei, I’ve got a workout to complete.”

Giles realized that he was just making a bad situation worse. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to insult you. You said you’re getting lessons from a master? Should I know him?”

Xander kept hold of his temper with an effort. “No, not unless you keep track of all the undead ten dan’s running around.”

Giles gulped audibly. “Please don’t tell me your martial arts master is Bruce Chen.”

“Ok, I won’t. Is there anything else you want?”

Giles decided now was not the time to go into the qualifications of Master Chen. “Yes, Spike, as master of the Hellmouth has a translator. I’d really like for him to look at a few parchments and some scrolls. But he seems reluctant. If you could just speak to Spike or even the translator. Id really appreciate it.”

Xander bit at his lip then decided to just make a clean breast of it. “I don’t think it’ll do much good. You keep sending black arts and stinky stuff. Neither of which I want anything to do with. And stop it. Ok? Spike’s getting pissed.”

“Xander, are you telling me you’re the one who’s been doing all these translations?”

“Well, duh. I always have been. You assumed that Willow was doing them and I never bothered to tell you different.”

“Why not? I’d think you’d want the credit for your work.”

“I tried once. You nearly called me a liar right to my face. So I gave up before there was a fight.”

“I see. Well, it seems I owe you two apologies. One for ... er ... leaving you hanging and another for allowing Willow to take credit for your work. I am sorry.”

Xander sighed. “Ok, apology accepted. But don’t send me any stinky scrolls, nothing on human or sentient demon skin and I really hate Latin, the letters all seem to crawl around. Especially when I’m tired anyway. Ok?”

Giles sighed audibly. “Very well. But that means that all the scrolls I’m having the most trouble with are on your, I believe you called it, no-no list.”

“Sorry, but that’s the way it is. And ... no never mind. Look, call me day after tomorrow. I’ll be in seclusion for the next two days. Master Bruce doesn’t like being interrupted, in fact, he made a special exception for this call. And I’ve got a hundred sit ups, crunches, pull ups and pushups to do to pay for it. Then, if I know him, and I do, he’s going to have me do a hundred of each Ate. Then he’ll probably think of some reason to cane me, just on general principles. And I have to be in court on Friday. Damn, no rest for the wicked. Gotta go.”

Xander hung up with a snicker, thinking ‘that’ll fix him.’ and headed back for the dojo. Spike, who had been unashamedly eavesdropping, nearly hurt himself trying not to laugh until Xander hung up.


Giles hung the phone up very gently and glared at it for a moment. Buffy took one look at Giles’s face and snarled, ‘I’ll kill Spike, I swear.’

“No. I’ve just been told off by Xander. I ... did you know that Xander is the one who did most, if not all, of the translations we credited to Willow?” Buffy’s head jerked up and she gave Giles a wide-eyed look. “Yes. He said he just let her take the credit because he didn’t want to start a ‘thing.’ And he’s the one I’ve been sending my translations to. He’s been refusing them because he doesn’t do what he calls dark arts. And stinky things.”

Giles pinned Buffy with a very odd look. “And he’s taking martial arts lessons from Bruce Chen. His name was different several years ago, but he changed it for some reason. His former name translates as Dragon Teacher. He’s the best of the best in the world. Never go up against him. All your slayer strength and speed won’t do you any good at all.” Giles grumbled into his tea cup. ‘I just hope Spike knows what he’s doing.’

Buffy sighed and squirmed. She was embarrassed, she was supposed to be Xander’s friend, she was supposed to protect him from the things that went bump in the night. Instead she’d been a bad friend and lazy. She’d turned him over to the Big Bad. Willow was still researching how to fix this but she was more and more convinced that it was too late. Buffy was sure it was.

“So, again with the questions. We can’t reverse this?” Giles shook his head. “If I stake Spike it’s really bad?”

“It’s bad on a factor of one hundred. You can’t stake Spike. You’ll kill Xander. And if you stake the master of the Hellmouth you’ll break a cotenant that has lasted a thousand years. Then you’ll be fighting every demon clan and tribe on Earth.” Giles finished his tea and set his cup down with determination. “Now. You will call Xander right now and leave a message with his secretary or on his machine. Say whatever you please, but call.” Buffy bit at her lip. Giles glared at her and said sternly. “I’m waiting.”

Buffy grumbled a bit but obediently made the call. She got the secretary but was told that Xander couldn’t be called out of his training session again. Sylvia took a message, carefully recording it on a handheld recorder, her compromise between Xander’s request that she let the machine pick up and her sense of duty. It was working quite well. She recorded the messages and sent them to Xander’s computer where they were stored, sorted and qued for Xander to review.


Willow peeked into the Magic Box and the sidled in the door. Tara poked her firmly in the back making her skip into the room to get away from the tickle.

“Tara! Stop that. I’m in. I’m in all ready.”

“Good. Now tell.”

Willow sighed. “Ok. Don’t poke me, I’m telling.”

Giles rubbed wearily at his temple, pulled his glasses off and started polishing them. He really didn’t want to hear this. He was fairly sure that Willow was going to confess to some new magical faux pass.

“Well ... um ... I ... er.” Willow eeped as Tara swatted her.

“Willow ... is afraid to confess that she did a magic on me. To cure my stutter. It worked. But she also did a scrying spell. It didn’t work ... um ... the way she thought it would.”

Giles ground his teeth. “Willow, if I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a hundred times. Don’t mess with magic. You’re much too young and inexperienced to go about casting spells willy nilly. You’ll wind up in real trouble one day and I’m not powerful enough to pull you back from an abys.”

Willow stared at her feet like there were answers there. “I’m sorry. I just ... well ... Tara’s anti-stuttering spell worked fine. Sympathetic magic. Earth magic. And the scrying spell didn’t backfire or anything like that it was just that I was so worried about Xander and I want so bad to make up to him for all the trouble I’ve caused ... Spike for goddess sake ... so I thought if I could scry to see what was happening but all I did was get a really rotten prophecy that if we separate Spike and Xander something really really bad will happen. Something really, really, really bad. In an apocalyptic bad bad. And I don’t like it and I want my Xander back only he’s mad at me and I’m scared to call him because I’ll have to talk to Spike and all I want to do is hug Xander and get him to forgive me and what is Spike doing to him while I’m researching futility and ....”

Giles finally got Willow’s attention by clearing his throat so loudly that he made it hurt. “Willow. Please stop. I can’t keep up. I’m sure that Spike isn’t doing anything too bad to Xander. Spike is the new master of the Hellmouth so having a human thrall is reinforcing his status no end. And exactly what did the prophecy say?”

Willow sighed, inched into the nearest seat and started picking at her cuticles. Tara patted her fingers away from each other.

“Well, it was really kind of vague. All I really got out of it was that Xander does or doesn’t do something and that makes Spike not do something really bad. Like crack the world bad. He’s ... a keystone of some kind.”

Giles sighed and Buffy grumbled. “Well isn’t that just peachy. Neato keeno. I’m going patrolling. You see what you can come up with will you, Giles. I’m going crazy here.”

Giles just nodded, picked up a book of prophecy and started reading. He stopped long enough to pin Willow with his patented ‘pissed off librarian cum Ripper’ look. “No more magic without checking with me first. Or else.” then he stuck his nose back in the book.

Willow immediately began babbling again. “Or else? Or else what? What can he do? Tara? He wouldn’t do anything really bad? Would he? Giles? What or else?”

Giles looked up from his book again. “Or else I’ll call the witches council in England and have your powers bound until you learn discretion. Now, call Xander. You won’t get him as he’s training with one of the toughest and best martial artists in about six centuries. But call and leave a message. You better hope you get called back. He’s not best pleased with any of us right now.” He turned his gaze on Tara. “You too, young lady.”

So Willow and Tara both called and left messages. Tara just said she was sorry that she’d contributed in any way to his troubles. Willow left a Willow babble that confused Sylvia so much that she started recording directly after the first ten words. Giles shook his head and worried.


Xander returned to the dojo and settled back into seiza. He was going to have to do some serious thinking.

“You’re thinking hard, young master. What about?” Master Bruce settled across from Xander. He knew about the phone call of course. But he didn’t know how Xander was reacting to it.

“Well, that was Giles. I gave him a piece of my mind. But . . . I ... he was supposed to be my ... protector? Something. I’m confused, pissed, and I ... really, really wanna kill something. I’m angry. And I’m not sure why.”

Bruce helped Xander work his way through his confusion and encouraged him to express what he felt, not what he thought he ought to feel. Xander finally shrugged. “I’m tired. I don’t want to think about it anymore. Spike treats me better than my so-called friends ever did. He gives me stuff and treats me like, well, like an equal. He expects me not to fuck up. They just expect me to be the Zeppo. He expects me to ... be ... I’m not sure what. But I know that I want to be it. He says he’s got ulterior motives but I kinda think I might like them. And I’m so not gay. I think.”

Bruce had the wisdom not to respond to that particular bit of idiocy. Instead he got Xander back on track and working on his kata. The martial arts master watched Xander carefully, swords were nothing to fool around with. He noticed that Xander held the tachi like a master, this was good, he’d only had to show Xander twice, about half the number of times he’d’ been shown himself. Xander paid attention when he was spoken to and didn’t let his dick get in the way of learning. He never acted like he knew something he didn’t.

“Xander, choke back on the hilt a bit. Your grip is starting to drift too far forward.” Bruce got up from his zabuton to go to Xander and help him adjust his grip. “Now. I don’t want, what you call, punishment exercises. But I do want a good workout. You need to practice your cuts. I’ve set up some targets for you to work out with. First, do your kata, then put your sword up and get the bokken. I don’t want you cutting yourself if you miss a strike.”

Xander sighed but obediently started on his kata. It was long and difficult but he’d mastered it well. So he went through it once, listened to Master Bruce’s corrections and went through it again. This time the exercise satisfied the meticulous master and he told Xander to go through it four more times.

Xander groaned to himself, six run throughs was going to kill him. But he started on his first run through.

Master Bruce smiled to himself. He’d never seen a more stubborn man in his entire life and unlife. But Xander was getting very good, so good that Bruce decided that he’d have second thoughts about going up against him with a sword in his hands.

Xander completed the last kata and settled into a kneeling position. It was either that or fall down. His legs felt like jelly and his arms were so heavy they trembled. But he felt good. He was getting really good. He could tell by the way Master Bruce looked at him.

“Very well. Excellent. I’m impressed. Most humans would be out cold. Rest a bit and then I’ll start you on the next phase of your training.” Master Bruce settled into a kneel, facing Xander. “This step is to teach you the feel of a sword striking something. It’s entirely different from a kata. There’s a ... resistance. Cutting flesh is different from this as well.”

Xander accepted the towel that a minion brought him and wiped his face. “Yeah, I know. Creepy.”

Bruce blinked. “I don’t appreciate that.”

Xander gave him a blank look. “Sorry?”

“How would you know what cutting flesh feels like?”

“Um ... Scooby here? Been cutting demons and vampires and oogity boogity’s since I was 16. Not fun. Nearly been killed a few times. No thanks to anyone except Spike for a rescue.”

It took Bruce a moment to sort that out then he grunted, stood up and went to get a bokken, hiding his anger from Xander. He wondered what the hell the watcher was thinking. The boy deserved to be trained properly.

“Here. Bokken. Treat it like a ‘real’ sword. If you mess up I’ll stripe you. I won’t have you cutting your leg half off.” Bruce led Xander to the sword dummy, which looked like a heavy bag only on a pole instead of suspended from the ceiling. He demonstrated the different strikes as they were used against a target and watched as Xander copied him. He corrected a few flaws in Xander form then told him, “Fifty of each cut. When you get good enough you’ll do tameshigiri. Hajime.”

Xander obeyed the command and began. He started with the first of the eight sword cuts, after the cuts there were eight guards or defenses. All other cuts were elaborations on the basics. He knew that Master Bruce was going to be really particular about his form so he worked carefully to be sure to do them correctly.

Master Bruce looked up from his reading when Xander stopped working. “Something?”

Xander shook his head, spraying sweat. “No, just stopped to get a drink. I don’t want to get dehydrated.” Xander picked up a bottle of water and opened it. It had been setting on the floor just long enough. He didn’t like to drink water that was ice cold. It upset his stomach.
“Mmmmm, good. Sensei?” Master Bruce grunted. “Why are you teaching me Kendo instead of a Chinese form?”

“Good question. I was wondering when you’d ask. The answer is because it’s better suited to your mentality. I’ll teach you the Ryu Sui Sen. You’ll be good enough in a few months. Now, finish your water and get back to work.”

Xander obediently did as he was told.

By the time he was done with his practice he was completely exhausted and ready to drop. Master Bruce regretted what came next but he’d regret it even more if Xander wound up dead because his master slacked in his training.

“Get up. Now!”

Xander groaned but struggled to his feet. “I’m up. What do you want?”

Bruce hid a smile. The man had guts. Most students would have been silent, Xander snarked.

“What do I want? One, a little less insolence. Two, you will perform each Ate perfectly. I will watch. If you fail to perform correctly, you will receive one stroke of the cane. Take off your gi please.”

Xander just dumped his gi kimon on the floor and readied himself. He knew Master Bruce was going to be picky and he knew why. You couldn’t just tell the demon you were fighting that you were tired and a mistake because of exhaustion could be your last.

Master Bruce called, “Suburi Ipponme” Xander performed the cut. He went through the entire eight cuts of the basic form; calling each name in a sharp, crisp command. Suburi Nihonme, Suburi sanbanme, Suburi Yonhonme, Suburi gohonme, Suburi schichiponme, Suburi hachiponme. Xander did fine until Master Bruce came to the simple 45-degree angle cut. The only one named in English. He fumbled the cut disastrously, tripping himself.

He received the ultimate reprimand. “Dame! Heta! Where’s your head?!”

Xander bent over from the waist, panting for air. He straightened as soon as he caught his breath. Master Bruce waited impatiently.

“Up my ass, I guess. I don’t believe it. I’m not that clumsy. Sorry.”

“You will be. Bend back over.”

Xander didn’t argue. He just bent over to receive one hard lash of a bamboo cane. This continued until Xander literally collapsed in exhaustion. Master Bruce settled beside Xander, counted the lash marks and said, “Only ten. You did very well and I’m so proud of you. I’m going to call Master Spike.”

Xander rolled over, resting his burning back on the cool floor. “Just get me to my ... our quarters. I’ll clean up and get some rest. He’ll have fit.”

Master Bruce didn’t pretend he didn’t know what Xander was talking about. He just shrugged. “I have Master Spike’s permission. He understands the need for through training. Especially in your position. You’re being groomed for something more than being a thrall. I won’t say ‘simple’ because you’re not.” Xander made a rude noise. “I’ll smack you. You’re one of the most beautiful men I’ve ever seen. And don’t be stupid. I’ll call Master Spike and let the chips fall where they may.”

Xander gave up, he was too tired to argue and he couldn’t deny that he really wanted Spike.


When Spike got Master Bruce’s message he just got up from his desk and headed for the dojo. He’d known that Master Bruce was planning this and had prepared for it. He just hadn’t known it was today or he’d have been there to watch. He loved watching Xander train. Especially when it was the extreme training that Xander had agreed to under go. Spike mumbled, “Wanking watcher. Should have trained the boy proper. But he’s glorious, moves like some kinda big cat. Loverly.”

Spike took the long corridor at a dead run, never mind the others in the way they either moved or went down. He skidded around the last corner just in time to hear Xander exclaim in a plaintive tone, “I don’t want to be carried. I can walk. I want to be in bed when Spike comes. I want the massage he promised. If he sees me, he’ll make me go to sleep. Shit!”

Spike managed his easy saunter with some effort but for Xander he’d manage. “Well, pet, here you’re a bit knackered came to take you off to bed. Massage, have a bit to eat. Take a nap. Sound good?”

Xander sighed. “Yeah, sounds real good. I’ll be up in a second.”

Spike snorted. “Sure about that?”

Xander grumbled. “I’m sure. Not gonna catch me havin’ to be carried off the battle field like ... like a Zeppo. Ok?”

Spike quickly realized that it was a matter of pride to Xander to get to the rooms on his own. So he decided to help Xander.

“Ok, pet, up and at ‘em.” He reached out and gave Xander a hand up then tucked his shoulder under Xander’s. Xander took the hand up gratefully, leaning on Spike with a sigh.

“Thanks. Just go slow, ok? I feel like I’ve been ... well ... run though a wringer.”

They took their time getting back to their quarters. On the way, Spike stopped a minion and issued orders telling the woman to hurry ahead and tell Timmins to make preparations. She took off at a dead run, scared by spikes fierce glare.

“Well, that was interesting. You know your eyes turn real yellow when you get pissed?”

“Yeah, pet, demon’s real near the surface. You’re hurtin’ an’ I don’t like it.”

Xander sighed. “Well, I’m not real happy myself, but we’d both be a lot less happy if I manage to get myself killed because I’m not trained. Right?”

Spike admitted that he agreed but grumbled, “Right, right. But I don’t have to like it.”


Timmins met them at the door. He bowed then announced. “All the preparations were made. You really didn’t have to send that silly chit to remind me.” He managed to look discretely miffed.

Spike just shrugged. “Probably not now that I think about it. But I was more interested in takin’ care of my boy. Stuff your hurt feelin’s and help me.”

Timmins just nodded and came to help Xander, who was stiffening up enough that he was not interested in bending over or doing much of anything. Two days of constant training with only a few scattered naps had taken their tole.

Spike held Xander’s swaying form as Timmins undressed him. The soft hiss that Timmins let out when he saw Xander’s back made Spike ease around to see for himself.

“Blast and damn, did he have to give you ten?”

Xander avoided shrugging. “Yes, one for each mistake I made. It’s not that bad. I’ve had a lot worse for much less. Can I get in the bath now? Before I freeze in place?” Xander gazed longingly at the hot tub. He knew it was going to hurt his back but the rest of him wanted in the tub, now.

“Half a tick. I’ve got that new cream from the healer. He said it’d cure any bruise on a human.”

Xander wanted that cream badly but he was honest with himself and Spike. “Are you sure? Maybe I shouldn’t.”

Spike snorted. “Know just what you’re thinkin’. And I’m vetoin’ any thought of not easin’ that punishment. You’re mine and I’ve got the final say. Shut it.”

Xander just shut up, eased down on the stool Timmins set for him and enjoyed the feel of the cool cream on his heated skin. When he eased into the tub, the lash marks had already eased. There was some residual bruising but nothing that either Xander or Spike found to be a problem.

Spike sat on the stool by the tub side and got Xander to explain what the lesson had been about. Xander talked and reveled in the attention. Spike was truly interested in what he had to say. He didn’t cut him off or scoff at his theories. In fact, he mostly just listened, making appropriate noises or asking questions.


Spike settled across Xander’s thighs and eyed his back. The faint marks were brownish, fading bruises. Not a problem. He poured oil into his hand, placed the bottle back in the wine cooler filled with warm water and began to massage Xander.

He started at his shoulders and found every knot and sore spot. He used his thumbs and the heel of his hand to coax and coerce them into submission. Xander groaned and moaned.

As Spike worked his way down Xander’s back, he had to smile. Xander had hidden an amazing body under those banished baggy clothes. Who would have thought?

“Great body you got, pet.”

“Thanks. Just glad pop never realized. He’s got some almighty perverted friends.”

Spike had to sit back before he hurt Xander. ‘Bloody hell!’

“Don’t worry. I’m still a virgin. Except for ... er ... things. You know?”

Spike stemmed a spate of babble by pouring more oil on Xander and returning to his massage. He eased down Xander’s body until he was sitting on the foot of the bed.

“Done with your back, roll over so I can do the front.”

Xander obediently rolled. Spike took one high arched foot in his hands and began to massage the arch with both thumbs. Xander melted into a puddle on the bed. He loved having his feet rubbed more than anything. Spike took his time working first one foot then the other until Xander was nearly asleep. Spike worked his way up Xander’s front, massaging his abdomen then his chest. When he ran his oil slick hand over Xander’s nipples, Xander sighed. Spike grinned to himself.

“Sensitive, are they? You like it?” Spike stroked very gentle circles around first one nipple then the other.

“Mmmm, yeah, I do. Don’t tell.”

“Why ever not? Not that this is any of anyone’s business but ours.”

Xander managed to look languid and embarrassed at the same time. “Only girls like it.”

Spike nearly hurt himself forcing down the laughter. “That’s just stupid. Who told you only bints like it? I like it. Do I look like a bint to you?”

Xander opened one eye. “No. You like ... um ... well, that?”

Spike pinched one slick nipple gently. “Yeah. I do. Like havin’ ‘em pinched, pulled, sucked. Nice. Maybe you’ll feel like doin’ it sometime.” Xander started to rise. “Not now. You’re all tuckered out. This is for you. Just relax and enjoy. If it hurts or I do something you don’t like, tell me.”

Xander just relaxed back in the bed and enjoyed Spike’s touch. If Spike said it was ok, it was. And Spike had promised not to make fun of his sexual needs. Ever, for any reason. Xander trusted Spike’s word in a way he’d never trusted anyone before.

Spike took hold of one of Xander’s ankles and eased his foot flat on the bed. “Move the other and let your knees fall apart.” Xander lazily complied. “There’s a pet.”

“What are you going to do? Not that I’m in any mood or shape to fight. Just curious.”

Spike laughed softly. “You would fight too, wouldn’t ya? But I’d really rather you didn’t. Don’t want ta compel you but I will if I have ta. I’m gonna finger fuck that sweet rose of yours.”

Xander blinked, translated this into regular English and smiled. “Ok. You know you sound like a real Victorian sometimes. Will I like it?”

Spike poured oil on his hand while remarking quite reasonably. “Am a Victorian. An’ I noticed that you don’t go up in flames when I use old euphemisms. If ya don’t like it, I’m doin’ it wrong.”

Xander obeyed when Spike told him to lift his hips then lowered himself onto the pillow. Spike explained exactly what he was doing as he did it. Xander stopped listening as Spike eased his finger into him. It felt strange, having something pushed into him like that. The plugs had been unyielding, stretching him by force. This was different in a very good way.

“Ya like that?” All Xander could do was groan. Spike smirked and worked his finger in and out until the muscles yielded to him. By then Xander was shivering all over. Not a fear filled tremble, just a slight tremor. “Good. Relax now. I’m gonna put in another.”

Xander whimpered as Spike slipped in the next finger, he definitely wasn’t in pain. Spike parted his fingers, stretching Xander more. Xander shifted, a slight frown between his eyebrows. Spike eased off and the frown disappeared.

“Too much, pet? Well, you’ll like this, I think.” Spike felt around carefully until he found Xander’s prostate. He rubbed the pad of one finger across it, watching as Xander nearly hurled himself off the bed.

“Holy crap. What was that? Oh, mu god. Do that again.”

Spike obliged and continued to alternately massage Xander’s prostate and stretch his stiff muscles until Xander came with a yell that scared several minions into hiding.

Spike smiled and cleaned him up, then crawled into the bed.

“Spike? Don’t you want me to ... do something for you? You gotta be needy.”

“Not really. Had a good wank while you were dozed off. This was for you.”

Xander levered himself up onto one elbow so he could look down at Spike. “But ... why? You have needs too. I could do ... something. You tell me and I’ll try.”

Spike smiled. “Master Vampire here. Got lots of self-control and whatnot. And I really don’t want you doin’ stuff just because I want it. Now lay down and sleep. You’re so tired you’d probably bite it off, or fall asleep in the middle of things. Neither of which will please me any at all.”

Xander admitted that Spike was probably right. He lay back down but grumbled, “Well, ok, but I owe you one. Evil undead wanker. What are you up to?”

Spike pulled Xander to him and curled around him. “Up to no good. Got ulterior motives. Been tellin’ ya that all along.”

Xander snorted and fell asleep. Spike followed him.

1) Suburi Ipponme (first overhead cut)
2) Suburi Nihonme ( second overhead cut)
3) Suburi sanbanme (cut and move backwards)
4) Suburi Yonhonme (turn blade and thrust up)
5) Suburi gohonme (straight thrust)
6) 45 degree angle cut (down from kasumi)
7) Suburi schichiponme (side cut)8) Suburi hachiponme ( rising cut)
Dame - Wrong, not like that
Heta - poorly done, not skillful
These two words are the most dreaded in any dojo.

Why is Bruce teaching Xander Japanese arts in Japanese? Because I’m not familiar with Chinese style fighting technics and I am familiar with Japanese.

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Last updated 1/15/2006