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Celtic Commentary
Thursday, 16 November 2006
Emphasis on the if...
Back in 1995, O.J. Simpson was found not guilty in the deaths of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend, Rob Goldman. Many people were stunned and angered by this verdict. Although much of the furor has died down, some people still believe that he's guilty. So what better way to end the rumors once and for all than by telling people how you committed the crime. If, of course, you were the one who did it. Now most people cleared of such a crime would never want to think about it ever again, not even to disprove it. But Mr. Simpson doesn't believe in such nonsense. I guess we should believe him, though, because he's never been linked to the crime in any manner whatsoever. Oh, wait...that's not true. That jury must be wrong, because the word of O.J. always trumps overwhelming evidence. Me, I'm just happy that we didn't put such an innocent man behind bars.

Posted by planet/thecelticmarauder at 1:32 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 16 November 2006 7:31 PM EST
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