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The song has a nice ring to it. - SJ

Lyrics› It's a Raindrops a Fallin'
Sittin' outside
Nothin's really here
Waiting for the bank to open
I haven't slept in thirteen hours

Will these words ever be read?
Conviction tells me otherwise
Raindrops to echo sound
Passin' so soft they fall
And drift through my heart.

And the T.V. ain't sounded too good
right now
it's a raindrops
a fallin'

I sing from my soul
I speak from my heart
I miss a girl
And I love her
So much

And the T.V. ain't sounded too good
right now
It's a raindrops a fallin'

So now I part
A cigarette
I do believe calls
Blurry cacophony
of candlelight
Blown out
by whispers
To speak of the summer.

And the T.V. ain't sounded too good right now
It's a raindrops a fallin'

All songs, lyrics, etcetera are self © Sam Johnson (1998-2006) unless otherwise noted.