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The verses are deep, and the chorus is shallow. - SJ

Lyrics› Cingular Fuck
I want you girl
you f***** me for nights
or should I say
I f***** the s***
outta you
And made you c**
and I
c*** all over you

Lonely are the roads
we must walk down
How many years
go on
until you think
you're old enough
I cannot say
I don't think
I will ever
be able to.
It doesn't matter much
to me.

Looking at the crowd
I see so many faces
What love sleeps
your inhibitions
I cannot say
but you can show
What hidden lingers
you hold
to me.

I want you girl
you f***** me for nights
or should I say
I f***** the s***
outta you
And made you c**
and I
c*** all over you

All songs, lyrics, etcetera are self © Sam Johnson (1998-2006) unless otherwise noted.