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ACES BEST - NL 1260100-2003 1st National Ace Youngster W.H.Z.B. All Holland 2003.

Here is one first class hen. She was the 2003 1st National Ace Youngster WHZB of All Holland. There are about 50,000 fanciers competing in Holland with everyone wanting to win first places and the National Ace youngster award. The demand for these National Ace winners is fierce. I want to offer my friends birds that will win at a young age so what can be better than to offer breeders off families that have 1st National Aces as youngsters. The best breed the best.

The father to DEISHER 460 is a full brother to ACES BEST and he himself is a champion in the hand, he handles like a dream with a full well muscled body, a strong back, tremendous wings that are so well ventilated. Just a super all around bird. The ACES BEST Family of birds are a Janssen based family that has bred winners for Mike here in the USA and in Holland.

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