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Playing With The Devil is a novel based on a true story of child abuse - dirty deeds in a secluded Newfoundland town by many of its most prominent citizens. For reasons that will become obvious, this book is rated 'R.' 

Timmy, the oldest of 12 children shares how his own mother, sold him and his siblings into sexual liaisons for as little as a loaf of bread. It is a wrenching account of what these kids suffered but now, over 50 years later, no one has ever been brought to justice. The courts have refused to act and the children, now adults, continue to suffer from horrible memories they will never forget.  

Most folks already know that the real victim in this book is a man named Byron Prior. He was physically and sexually assaulted from the age of 4 by not only his own mother but also Grand Banks politicians, businessmen, neighbors and friends of his mother. The other children were even sexually assaulted by members of the local Salvation Army.  

Byron is  the oldest sibling and felt a great responsibility to help the others  in any way he could .  It literally broke his heart to see the abuses inflicted upon them. On one occasion, he cleaned the blood off his 4-year-old sister who was sexually attacked by the family's own grandfather who left her on the kitchen floor in a pool of blood.  

Byron went to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police many, many times hoping to get help for himself and his siblings. He did so in 1960, twice in 1962, 1966, 1968, some time between 1970 and 1972 and in 1998 during which he gave a 2 1/2 –hour statement.  During the 70's, three of his sisters, one brother and a niece, all made reports to the Grand Bank RCMP. His one sister, Susan, was allegedly raped by MP Bill Matthews and some of his friends.

It is horrendous enough that a mother would beat her child until he bled, burn his hands on a hot wood stove and shove him down steps causing him to injure his shoulder.  But a mother who pimps out her children to the bigwigs in town in turn for favors and cash, is nothing less than despicable. 

Byron has fought for justice for many, many years now and at one point was even committed to a mental facility because he continued to reiterate the truth in a court of law.  And many times, he has traveled from Newfoundland to the Parliament buildings in Ottawa, Ontario hoping that someone - anyone would listen to him.


Shockingly, nothing has EVER been done to bring the perpetrators of these horrible crimes to justice.

You will read the graphic details of what happened to Byron and his siblings, and then even next-generation Priors. No one was released from this living hell until their monster of a mother died. But you will also learn that this hell still exists in their memories today. 

The ultimate hat must go off to Byron who bravely fought on in hopes of one day feeling vindicated, even if in the smallest of ways. That day is still yet to come.


This is a horrific story of child abuse in the 1960's, researched and written by Martha Jette. The mother of these twelve children from Grand Banks, Newfoundland, Canada not only severely victimized these children herself, she sold them into prostitution, allowing them to be victimized by others in that small town… May Almighty God exact His justice on the perpetrators of these atrocities.    - Kevin Leland, who was compelled to include this book on every page of his web site at

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