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The large object at far left is the edge of a large invertebrate (clam). At center right are 8 of the tail vertebra (March 9). Photo taken March 10, 2007.

This is the condition of the jaws just before plastering. March 11, 2007.

Here's another view of the vertebral column after some cleaning has taken place. Each vertebra is about three inches long. March 11, 2007.

The skull is ready to be plastered. The vertebra are at far right in this picture. March 11,2007.

Plastering has been completed, but recovery was not successful. Usually marine fossils in Kansas are found in limestone, these bones are in clay. The cast was made but the matrix didn't stay in the cast when it was turned over, so the bones resulted in being surface collected. March 12, 2007.

Before the cast was turned over, I tried to slide the cast onto a piece of plywood, but the matrix had already started to fall out of the cast at this point. March 12, 2007.

Here is skull cast is on the left and the vertebra cast is on the right. The "mound" of dirt in the middle is another part of the neck region to be plastered. March 13, 2007.

Here everything has been plastered and waiting for the casts to dry. March 13, 2007.

The cast containing the vertebra is on the two-wheeler, and the neck portion cast is still in situ. March 13, 2007.

Phillip and Kenny Pennington helped me load the cast at the site, then the spine cast made a flying trip to my preparation facility. March 14, 2007.

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