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No Money, No Future?
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Saturday, 14 April 2007
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: Money
I know I am only one of thousands who are in this situation, but I figured I'd try this anyway. I am a 19 year old college student who can't afford to continue my education. Because I am not a racial minority, I am not entitled to a lot of scholarships offered by the school I am going to attend. In addition, because I am a transfer student, that also means that my 4.0 college GPA doesn't mean squat. They only offer scholarships to freshmen.

My family makes just enough to live by, but now my father is on strike because his contract at his job is up and we have virtually no income. This, however, does not translate onto the FAFSA, and even if it did, I wouldn't get much federal aid because you have to be so incredibly poor to qualify. I am just poor enough where going to college is proving to be an impossibility.

I want to double major in Japanese and East Asian Studies and the local community college doesn't offer that, so I am going to a state school. I don't ever make this a habit, but I am exhausted of filling out different fastweb scholarships and getting nothing. I am a bright young women who just wants to continue my education, but I need your help.

If I could get five dollars, hell, even a dollar, from each one of you, I know I could make my dream of continuing my education come true. This is no scam--this is a serious call for help. I have exhausted every possible effort short of selling my soul and I would appreciate anything from anybody.

If you want to donate, please email me at: I am also an art student, so if I could draw you a picture in return for your donation. Thank you for reading!!!! @

Posted by planet/okanegaarimasen at 10:55 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 14 April 2007 11:08 PM EDT
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