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greeting cards


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Welcome to our Site !!

We are having so much fun working on these pictures, we hope you have fun picking them out and sending them to your friends and family.

We have taken real life events in our lives and in the lives of our friends and family, and added some comedy. All of us can use some of that, right?

We sell our Greeting Cards, Posters, Postcards, and whatever else we can make, to anyone that will buy them.

One of the projects we are still working on is taking pictures or using your pictures and turning them into something fun, creating Greeting Cards, Posters, Postcards of you and your friends and family. What fun for all !!

We also do restorations. Send your old, torn, stained, or faded pictures, and we can fix them. Even if you think they are of poor quality, let us see what we can do with them.. -you might be surprised !!

Just contact us, and let us know what you'd like. We like doing series of cards, (ie: several pictures of one event), but also enjoy special orders.

Email or send your pictures to us, and they will be returned to you with your order.

As we produce more and more Greeting Cards and Posters, they will be posted, for sale, on this site. We won't put YOUR pictures on the website, unless you give us permission.

We really want you to enjoy these creations. Laughing at yourself is the best, and it's free, medicine anyone can have.

Keep Laughing,

Ann Arnold & Linda Ager

email us at:


Last Updated:

© LaughAtYourSelf Designs 2004
