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At Approximately 6:30 pm June 26th, 2006, Debra passed away.


This is Debra Russell of Peotone Illinois. She is the wife of Charles Russell of Seal-Tite Caulking. They have 5 children. Their oldest is 24, and youngest is 6. Debra was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer. This family does not have medical insurance. The children are holding several raffles and fundraising events to try and help their parents pay for Debra's care. In this website you will find details of all the children are doing to help their mother as well as more about Debra and her illness.

In 2003, Debra underwent surgery to remove a 10 lb. Tumor from her abdomen. This tumor was a Brenners tumor, which are very rare, and it was cancerous which is even more rare. She did not know that the tumor was cancerous until the tumor was out, and the biopsy results were in. She had to have a Hystorectomy at the time as well, due to the tumor being so large and doing damage to her body. The biopsy showed that the cancer was Ovarian Cancer, and was contained within this tumor, and was given a clean bill of health, on that issue atleast. They said the cancer was gone.

Well, jump to 2005, December. Debra was having some pain in her abdomen again. After several tests, they found that she had 2 cysts that were growing near or on her liver. The pain didn't get any better, so they did a biopsy and some bloodwork, along with lots of other tests.

January 5th, 2006, the call that no one wants to get. Debra was told that the results all came back, and it has been confirmed that she indeed has Cancer, it is Ovarian Cancer, and is stage 4, as it is in her liver. The cancer has Metastatized, which basically means that 1 tiny cell is all it may have taken, that was hidden and spread through the last 3 years, and now is rearing it's ugly head. The very next day she saw the Oncologist, and more tests were run, to make certain that this is indeed the final answer, that it was the cancer they said. Tests all confirmed it is. She quickly had a port put into her right shoulder area, and began Chemotherapy.

She is doing a very aggressive form of Chemo called Taxol. She will do 6 rounds of chemo over an 18 week span. After the 3rd, they will run tests again to see if the Chemo is helping at all or not. Debra has already lost all of her hair. She was hospitalized on January 30th, for Pneumonia and a staph infection. She was there 1 week. During this stay, her hair got worse by the hour it seemed, and after a few days of looking at the bald spots, Chuck (her husband) decided t was time to shave it. She smiled through the entire haircut. She is now home, and goes for her 2nd Chemo on Tuesday. (2-14-06)

On March 7th, Debra underwent her 3rd round of Chemo. This time it hit hard. She started to get sick and feel the effects pretty hard. She is back up a couple pounds since the last session though, which was a major concern of the doctors. He also says that in feeling her stomach, it feels as though the cysts have shrunk, which is good. That may be one less problem facing Debra. She is doing alright. Very weak at times and needs assistance in moving around at times due to the weakness. Her memory seems to be getting worse as well. Overall, she is doing as can be expected. In approximately 2 weeks, she will have a CT scan done to check the progress of the Chemotherapy and see where things stand.

As of March 28th, the most recent news is not so great. We have been told that the Chemotherapy is not working. The large lesions have shrunk, but only to reveal that there are a bit more small lesions than we had thought. Debra is now suffering from memory loss that may or may not be a direct affect of the Chemo. She has had recurring Amema that does not want to leave her alone. All in all, she is having more bad days lately than good. On April 12th she will have a consultation with a Cardiologist, as the Oncologist wants to be sure her heart is strong enough to handle the new Chemo they are hoping to start her on.

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