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  Even though cellulite is a skin condition that affects 9 out of 10 women, many are unclear why it occurs. More importantly, most women are unsure about the best ways to get rid of cellulite. 

Cellulite occurs when the top layer of skin tissue that surrounds fat cells becomes rigid and stiff. The fat cells then begin to either bulge or sag, causing the lumpy, dimpled appearance.

  The best products on the market appear to have a way of nourishing the skin while giving it a nicely toned appearance.  Two of the best sellers in this area are BodyShape and StriPeptin.  They both are guarenteeing an improvement and are backing it up by offering Free one month trials.  It appears that would probably be a safe way to go until you found a product that you prefer.

  Weight Loss

  I guess this one has been covered by more authors covering more subjects than anything else that wil be brought up on thi site.  It seems as though we have the Low-Fat vs. the High_Carb shootout taking place at this moment.  Which side you take is a personal decision.  One thing that one must remember when approaching a diet is that they get adequate balanced nutrition.  This can be very difficult to do in our working world where we may get one of the meals we are supposed to be eating for that day, but may miss the others because of time constraints.

  Many companies are beginning to recognize this fact and have begun pre packaging your meals, side meals, snacks and whatever else the diet may include and have it delivered to your door. NutriSystem is one of the most widely publicized of these types of diets and along with the additional advertising came higher costs.

  There are two other companies I have taken a look at and seem to provide you with everything you need to start your diet and to lose weight in a healthy manner.   MediFast is a healthy diet that makes quick weight loss simple. With the 5 & 1 Plan, there is no calorie counting, no points system, no diet pills and no confusion. The MediFast low calorie diet consists of clinically proven meal replacements designed to help you lose 2-5 pounds per week.* MediFast is a healthy and low calorie diet that can help you safely have quick weight loss

  The other company I had a chance to review was the 3 Hour Diet at Home.  This plan was developed by Jorge Cruise.  This diet has received a litttle more publicity than the above diet, but both seem pretty similar.  The 3 Hour Diet at Home gives you 3 mealls, 2 snacks, and 1 treat going on the theory that you will never have to go 3 hours between eating.  This is supposed to keep your metabolism running at optimal levels.

