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Pagan Wicca Wiki Links

I have found a lot of useful occult information in wikipedia. Although I don't always agree with every wiki I read there is a lot of good information to be found in wiki's. I also thought it would be good to have a page like this as a quick reference. So this is an ever growing page of all wiki's Pagan, witchcraft, magick and Wicca related for your magickal research. As I find new and informative Pagan wiki's I will be adding them to this page.

The Pentagram

Wicca Wiki's

History Of Wicca
Charge Of The Goddess
Wiccan Rede
Rule Of Three

Gardnerian Wicca Wiki's

Explanation Of Gardnerian Wicca
Wiki On Gerald Gardner

Alexandrian Wicca Wiki's

Explanation Of Alexandrian Wicca
Wiki On Alex Sanders

Assorted Wiccan Tradition Wiki's

Inclusive Wicca Tradition
Universal Eclectic Wicca
The Pentagram

There are numerous Wiccan traditions. These are just a few I found wikipedia's on. 1734 Tradition, Dianic Wicca, Celtic Wicca, Faery Wicca, Algard_Wicca, Odyssean Wicca, Blue Star Wicca, Georgian Wicca, Central Valley Wicca.

These wiki's are all about the tools used in Wiccan ceremonies, and ritual magick. Most of these items are found in most Pagan ceremonies. Athame, Boline, Altar, This is another link on altars based more on the Christian use but still informative Altar 2, Besom or Broom, Wand, Incense Censer, Thurible for incense, Scourge is mainly used by Gardnerians but I have heard of other traditions using it. Book Of Shadows. This is a wiki about the Kitchen Witch who makes do with household items for use in magick.

The following wiki links are about the Wheel Of The Year, witches Sabbats, and various holidays. Samhain, Halloween, Lughnasadh, Lammas, Yule, Midwinter, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Midsummer, Autumnal_Equinox. Here is a wiki on the Esbats.

Pagan Wiki's

Pagan Wiki
Slavic Pagan
Germanic Pagan
Celtic Pagan
Norse Pagan
Greek Pagan
Egyptian Pagan
Kemetism - Egyptian Pagan
Egyptian Book Of The Dead

Neo Paganism

Neo Paganism
Neo Pagan Movements
Neo Pagan U.S.
Neo Pagan U.K.

Pagan God Wiki's

Different Pagan Pantheons

Sumerian Pagan Gods
Egyptian Pagan Gods
Greek Pagan Gods
Roman Pagan Gods
Germanic Pagan Gods
Norse Pagan Gods
Celtic Pagan Gods
Slavic Pagan Gods
Aztec Pagan Gods
Mayan Pagan Gods
Native American Gods
African Pagan Gods
Hindu Gods
Rigvdedic Pantheon
Japanese Deities
Buddhist Pantheon

Other Pagan Related Wiki's

Interesting Pagan Wiki's that didn't really fit in any one category

The Gospel Of The Witches
Witchcraft Wiki
Contemporary Witchcraft Wiki
Stregheria - Italian Witchcraft
Ceremonial Magic
Ritual Magic
Moon Magic
Magic Circle
The Pentagram
Guardians Of The Watchtower

Here are some Pagan terms you may or may not have heard of. Skyclad, Coven, Fluffy Bunny, Goddess, Solitary Practitioner, Theisms, Polytheism, Wiccan Ditheism, The Triple Goddess, The Horned God .

You either love him or you hate him, but I wanted him listed on this page somewhere. Aleister Crowley

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You can find some interesting Pagan and Wiccan information on wikipedia. I do not agree with everything that I read in these wiki's, however there is a lot of good information in here. If you are new to Wicca and just learning about pagan beliefs and practices, don't rely heavily on these as there is much more accurate information available throughout the internet. We are all on a journey of learning and no one person or book has all the answers.

The pentagram graphics on this page are my design. If you have a Pagan blog or website feel free to use them if you like. The only thing I ask is that somewhere on the page with the graphic on it place a linkback or recipricol link to either my blog or this website. I hope you found the information here helpful and thanks for stopping by.