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Bored As Hell!!!!
Wednesday, 11 October 2006
Mood:  don't ask
Ok... Well there's this awesome thing is this awesome world that I couldn't live without! You want to know what it is?!?!? Well, it's BREAKFAST!! I couldn't possibly live without breakfast!!! You want to know what the best thing to have for breakfast is?!?!? Well, it's cereal!!!! It's just soooo awesome!!! You want to know what the best kind of cereal is?!?!? Well.... It is, LUCKY CHARMS!!!!! Lucky Charms are the freaking best cereal thingy EVER!!!

Posted by planet/joemama4 at 8:46 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 10 October 2006

Mood:  lazy
Alrighty Peoples!! Ok... Well.... I don't know! Someone please help me!! I'm gonna keep you up-to-date with my "Guy Friend" situation! So far.. Me and him talk to each other quite a bit and... Well his mom says I'm the daughter she never had (I think that means she approves of me and him!! Heck yeah!!!) But... The thing is.. He lies to me and likes to keep secrets from me, the only way he'll tell me something is if I tell him something!! (But when he does tell me... I doubt it's the whole truth!!) It just makes me sooooo mad!!! Sometimes I want to pop his head off... But then others, like when we're alone, I just wanna give him a hug and that's when I realize the reason why I like him... My reasons for liking him:

1. He's INSANELY hot!!
2. He plays football
3. He tells me THINGS (not going into details!! ha)
4. At times, he can be the sweetest boy in the world!
5. I catch him staring at me (almost every day!! I wish)
6. He lives really close to me
7. He liked me last year!
8. I play sports too (that's a mj plus!!)
9. We go to the same "school"
10. He's an awesome guy

Posted by planet/joemama4 at 9:41 PM EDT
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Help me!!!
Ok!! Here's what I need help with!! There's a guy... (I think you know where this is headed!!) He's around me like all the time!! He's insanely hot!! He plays football too!! And lives pretty close to me!! I really want to ask him out... But I can't because he's a football player and I... Well... I'm a girl who hangs out with the guys... One of his friends told me that the guy I like, likes me more than just as a friend butnot enough to ask me out!!!! UGGGHHHH!!!! I really wish he liked me as more then "Just A Friend"!!!! It gets really annoying because all of my friends are like "Ask him!! You ask him or I will!!" Plus, there's this dance coming up adn well I want to ask him!!! So.... I got a choice to make!! (A hard one at that!!) Do I ask him... Or do I let a friend ask him?????? Help me!!!!

Posted by planet/joemama4 at 9:22 PM EDT
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