Free downloads.

Run this site on your computer without being connected to the web. Here is a zip file you can download and put on your own computer.

Download the following file to your desktop.

Download a zip of all files. Approximately 46 MB

When the download finishes you should have a new icon on your desktop named Fun With Transistors. Be sure the download has finished before you perform any of the steps below.

Close your web browser.

Double click the Fun With Transistors icon on your desktop. A window will open showing three subfolders and a large number of files.

Single click on one of the folders or files to select it. Then press control A to select all files and folders. Now press control C to copy all of them to the clipboard.

Open Windows Explorer.

Now make a permanent folder where you want the files to reside. It's up to you but I suggest you call it Fun With Transistors.

Now in the explorer window select your permanent folder. Press control V to copy the files and subfolders into this folder.

Now locate the file index.html.

Double click it and your browser will open and it will look as if you are on the internet.

Open the favorites menu and select add to favorites.

Add this and give it the name Fun with Transistors Local.

Any time you select this name from your favorites it will open.

Now close the window that opened when you clicked the desktop icon and delete the icon itself. If you ever need it you can always download it again.

This page will not appear in the off line version of the site. That would be a recursive situation.
