Animation of making a diode. The animation loop pauses for about a second at the beginning and end of the loop. The beginning shows two squares representing two pieces of semiconductor material. The one on the left is filled in completely with dots indicating electrons. The one on the right is filled in with small circles that represent holes. The two are not touching. When the animation begins the two squares move toward each other until they touch. After they have touch, the junction between them is represented by a dashed vertical line. As soon as they have touched the first three ranks of dots start moving to the right and those of the circles start moving to the left. The front ranks move more rapidly than those behind. When ever a dot and a hole merge they disappear. Each rank moves up to the junction and each dot in the front rank merges with a circle from the other side. The last rank to move up from each side moves slowly at first and gets faster after crossing the junction. They merge with their opposite number on the other side of the junction from where they started. When the animation pauses at the end of the loop there is a cleared out area near the junction with dots to the far left and circles to the far right. End verbal description.
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