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Denelle's Questions

4. Outline the role each of the following plays in maintaining the heartbeat:

a)The sinoatrial node - it is a pacemaker it sends nerve impulse causing the atria to contract.

b)The atrioventricular node - delays the ventricle beat until the atrial beat is done, then sends an impulse causing the ventricles to contract.

8. Explain how each of the following makes the fetal circulatory system different then the adult circulatory system:

a)Oval opening - allows oxygenated blood from the mother to go directly to the pulmonary circulation, bypassing going through the lungs.

b)Venous duct - connects umbilical veins, that have oxygenated blood, to the vena cava.

c)Arterial duct - a connection between pulmonary artery and the aorta so blood can bypass the non-functioning fetal lungs.

d)Umbilical arteries and veins - veins carry O2 from placenta to fetus, arteries carry wastes and CO2 to placenta from fetus.

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