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Alcoholic to an Author
Wednesday, 21 March 2007
From Alcoholic to an Author
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: I have writte 3 books
I have been writing 3 books, my first is out now, on most sites, (type in my name, Clive Worth) and you will see it, it is out in 106 countries. I am not trying to get you to buy it when it is selling all over the world, all I want is to tell you a bit about me and how, someone like me who left School aged 15 in 1965 could hardly read or write, (Dyslexic not known then), Now I am an Author, Everyone who knows me is shocked by this because I went to work underground as a miner, could not fill in a form, all you did then was give name and start next day. I had the best education out working with miners, I then sang in a band at 17, one of my songs was by the Beatles, (Paperback writer), now 40 years on I am one. My book is full of advice on how I got over drug and alcohol addiction. I swim 50 lengths of an indoor 25 meter pool, walk miles to keep fit, yet few years ago I was a drunk, everyone had given up on me, how i did it, is all in my book, excuse title, it is full of advice.

Posted by planet/clive0 at 6:59 PM BST
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