Letter received from Gen Schwarzkopf just days after the Hostilites In Iraq 1 ended
Thats good enough for me
The Melissa mentioned in the letter is my Daughter who was in the Marines
Below is the TV commercial
which ran during test marketing
I have edited the tag at the end
The patent and Manufacturing process is for sale -
Detail at
This Link
The potential market for this product is enormous
The main target for someone with the ability to market it is:
ANYONE who has ever said
'My Feet are KILLING Me" ~~~
Who is that ??? Since 99.9999999999999999998% of the population of he earth have two feet
-- Just about EVERYONE
My present marketing is directed toward sales of the item
to be sent to soldiers in care packages -
mostly to members of Military Families Forums that want to insure
their soldiers are comfortable
I would also like to have any entity
which offers care packages to soldiers to contact me
with the hopes of them offering the
Foot Eze to their patrons
so they can include them in their offerings
I was following up on the presentation for sales directly to the military
buy my health deteriorated and
the red tape was too complicated and involved for a simple inventor to wade through
So my idea to sell my invention - the Foot Eze
directly to the Defense Departmants of the world
was put on hold
I have since suffered more health set backs
and as a result I am looking for some enterprising people to take over the patent and manufacturing process
see the "Patent for Sale" link below for that option
maybe a small town that needs money -
a group or individual who feels he can market this the way it should be
Or has the tenacity to deal with the Government to sell it to the Armies of the world
NOT only Soldiers
BUT people with limited mobility
who are unable to bend
Pregnant - Moms to Be
Back Pain Sufferers
ANYONE who has ever made the statement
'My Feet are Killing Me"
"I'm Stressed Out"
will benefit from using this device
Thats everyone I ever met !!!!!
So you can see the potential is there and is unlimited
I am simply trying to supply our soldiers with a device that CAN make them more comfortable
Here is what the product looks like
IS What it Does and HOW TO GET One
As stated above
The Patent and Mfg Process are for sale
because of failing health